Peter Knees, Gerhard Widmer, Tim Pohle, Markus Schedl,
"An Innovative Three-Dimensional User Interface for Exploring Music Collections Enriched with Meta-Information from the Web"
: Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia 2006, Santa Barbara, California, USA, October 2006, 2006
Original Titel:
An Innovative Three-Dimensional User Interface for Exploring Music Collections Enriched with Meta-Information from the Web
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Proceedings of the ACM Multimedia 2006, Santa Barbara, California, USA, October 2006
Original Kurzfassung:
We present a novel, innovative user interface to music repositories.
Given an arbitrary collection of digital music files,
our system creates a virtual landscape which allows the user
to freely navigate in this collection. This is accomplished
by automatically extracting features from the audio signal
and training a Self-Organizing Map (SOM) on them to form
clusters of similar sounding pieces of music. Subsequently,
a Smoothed Data Histogram (SDH) is calculated on the
SOM and interpreted as a three-dimensional height profile.
This height profile is visualized as a three-dimensional island
landscape containing the pieces of music. While moving
through the terrain, the closest sounds with respect to the
listener’s current position can be heard. This is realized by
anisotropic auralization using a 5.1 surround sound model.
Additionally, we incorporate knowledge extracted automatically
from the web to enrich the landscape with semantic
information. More precisely, we display words and related
images that describe the heard music on the landscape to
support the exploration.