Azene Zenebe, Klaus Miesenberger, Mario Batusic, Bernhard Stöger,
"Access to Mathematical Information Resources in Ethiopic for Visually Impaired"
, in Crt Marincek, Christian Buhler, Harry Knops, and Renzo Andrich: Assistive Technology - Added Value to the Quality of Life, AAATE '01, IOS Press, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Seite(n) 482, 9-2001
Original Titel:
Access to Mathematical Information Resources in Ethiopic for Visually Impaired
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Assistive Technology - Added Value to the Quality of Life, AAATE '01
Original Kurzfassung:
This paper discusses problems of accessing and using mathematical information resources in Ethiopic language by the visual impaired people. It presents existing software available for reading, writing and communicating mathematics. Problem domain analysis for requirements elicitation, design of a systems and its implementation for making mathematical information resources in Ehiopic accessible and usable by the visual impaired (VI) are also presented.