Klaus Miesenberger, Mario Batusic, Bernhard Stöger,
"Parser for the marburg mathematical braille notation"
, in Stephanidis, C.: Universal Access in HCI - Inclusive Design in the Information Society, Vol. 4, Mahwah, New Jersey (USA), Seite(n) 1260, 2003, ISBN: 0805849335
Original Titel:
Parser for the marburg mathematical braille notation
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Universal Access in HCI - Inclusive Design in the Information Society
Original Kurzfassung:
As the prolongation and further elaboration of the results of the MAVIS Project [1] and the work
on the Austrian LABRADOOR [2] system, the ‘Universal Math Translator’ [3] project was
founded to establish an universal system for blind people to read and write math and science
materials. This interface should enable input and output for two traditional Braille mathematical
codes: Nemeth Code (used in North America) [4] and Marburg Mathematical Notation [5] used in
the German speaking area. The system is designed to allow the integration of further mathematical
notations later on.
The task will be accomplished by building four translators:
1. Nemeth to internal representation
2. Marburg to internal representation
3. Internal representation to Nemeth and
4. Internal representation to Marburg
This paper outlines the ‘Marburg to internal representation’ translator concentrating especially
upon the difficulties of the context sensitivity of the Marburg notation.
The work is based on the knowledge gained from the development and application of the
LABRADOOR (Latex to Braille Door) [2] system. This system offers functionalities to
automatically translate the layout as well as mathematical content notation of documents into
Braille documents including math in Marburg notation. The system is in use in Austria since six
years in the production of school and university study books and materials.
The first part of the paper brings a short overview of this specific Braille code with the stress on
some problems caused by the context sensitive nature of the Marburg notation. Further on the
paper presents basic information about the Marburg notation parser made up to date in the project
mentioned above.