Proc. IEEE Conference on Ultra Wideband Systems and Technologies, (UWBST 2003)
Original Kurzfassung:
In this paper a novel method for Ultra-Wideband object characterization using a single A-scan is
presented. The impulse response of the arrangement at a single measurement position is called an Ascan.
The data of an A-scan is processed with the novel Wavelet based pulse reconstruction to
determine five parameters of the pulse approximation. The width of different copper plates can be
characterized by the dilatation of the reconstructed pulse which is one of the five parameters. To get
real radar reflection data an Ultra-Wideband impulse radar setup was used. The presented results
testify, that there is a direct link between the parameter dilatation factor and the width of a centered
copper plate. To verify the results of the measurement analysis a simulation tool was developed. The
presented results of the simulation accord very good with the measurement.