Vladimir Marik, Werner Retschitzegger, Tomas Vlcek, Jiri Lazansky,
"Experiments on Coupling Expert and Database Systems"
, in A M. Tjoa, I. Ramos: Database and Expert Systems Applications, Proceedings of the International Conference in Valencia, Spain 1992, Springer Verlag Wien New York, Seite(n) 525-530, 1992, ISBN: 3-211-82400-6, Vladimir Marik, Jiri Lazansky, Tomas Vlcek, Werner Retschitzegger: Experiments on Coupling Expert and Database Systems, Database and Expert Systems Applications, Proceedings of the International Conference in Valencia, Spain 1992, A Min Tjoa, I. Ramos (Eds.), Springer Verlag Wien New York, pp. 525-530, 1992, [ISBN 3-211-82400-6]
Original Titel:
Experiments on Coupling Expert and Database Systems
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Database and Expert Systems Applications, Proceedings of the International Conference in Valencia, Spain 1992
Original Kurzfassung:
The paper describes an extended rule-based expert system with the capability to invoke external programs and the access to a set of database files. The necessity to integrate an expert system with database as well as with external programs (e.g. on-line sensor data input) has been recognized during real applications development. The particular solutions and experience even in simple MS-DOS environment are illustrated by examples.
Sprache der Kurzfassung:
Springer Verlag Wien New York
Notiz zum Zitat:
Vladimir Marik, Jiri Lazansky, Tomas Vlcek, Werner Retschitzegger: Experiments on Coupling Expert and Database Systems, Database and Expert Systems Applications, Proceedings of the International Conference in Valencia, Spain 1992, A Min Tjoa, I. Ramos (Eds.), Springer Verlag Wien New York, pp. 525-530, 1992, [ISBN 3-211-82400-6]