Thomas Brendel, Michael Naderhirn, Luigi del Re, Ch. Schwaminger,
"Improving the reproducibility and control accuracy of TMF experiments with high temperature transients"
, in American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): Thermomechanical Fatigue Behavior of Materials, Vol. 4, Nummer ASTM STP 1428, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, 9-2002
Original Titel:
Improving the reproducibility and control accuracy of TMF experiments with high temperature transients
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Thermomechanical Fatigue Behavior of Materials
Original Kurzfassung:
Different approaches will be presented to minimize control deviations in the case of TMF experiments with high temperature transients (10K/s and higher). An empirically derived algorithm calculates a modified function of the temperature command variable on the basis of the recorded control deviations. In a second approach, a two-zone model of the plant is used for control design. The model is first used to design a “soft” PI controller for generating a robust starting output profile, which is used as a basic input reference profile. The remaining error is minimizes by a “fast” PI controller. A third controller approach is realized by determination of an inverse model and its use to determine an “ideal” profile of the command variable as a reference input profile.