Werner Chladek,
"Zugriff auf heterogene, verteilte Tourismusinformationssysteme - Entwurf Implementierung eines Adapters"
, 11-2002, Werner Chladek: Zugriff auf heterogene, verteilte Tourismusinformationssysteme - Entwurf Implementierung eines Adapters, Diplomarbeit Universität Linz 2002, 131 Blatt
Original Titel:
Zugriff auf heterogene, verteilte Tourismusinformationssysteme - Entwurf Implementierung eines Adapters
Sprache des Titels:
Original Kurzfassung:
To enable a common communication technique between di®erent tourism information
system an own language was developed. The name of this language is
TisQL. Using TisQL is possible to retrieve but not to manipulate information
from a system. The goal of this diploma thesis is the implementation of a Server
Adapter that has the following features:
² Recognition of TisQL grammar and supply of wanted information
² Modular assembly of the Adapter for easy extension and use for every
tourism information system
² To enable access to the Server Adapter by WWW the communication protocol
TCP/IP is chosen
² Implementation of a Client Adapter for to prove the web ability of Server
Furthermore another solution than shown in [Freu01] shall be pointed out, where
from a TisQL-Statement one SQL-Statement was created. For demonstration of
proper function data of a real tourism information system are used. The data is
provided by [Tisc01].
Sprache der Kurzfassung:
Notiz zum Zitat:
Werner Chladek: Zugriff auf heterogene, verteilte Tourismusinformationssysteme - Entwurf Implementierung eines Adapters, Diplomarbeit Universität Linz 2002, 131 Blatt