Christian Stary,
"Performance Parameters and Context of Use"
: Performance Engineering within the Software Development. Practices, Techniques and Technologies, 5-2001, Chr. Stary: "Performance Parameters and Context of Use" in: Performance Engineering within the Software Development. Practices, Techniques and Technologies, eds: R. Dumke, C. Rautenstrauch, A. Schmietendorf, A. Scholz; Springer State of the Art Lecture Notes LINCS No. 2047, Berlin
Original Titel:
Performance Parameters and Context of Use
Sprache des Titels:
Original Buchtitel:
Performance Engineering within the Software Development. Practices, Techniques and Technologies
Notiz zum Zitat:
Chr. Stary: "Performance Parameters and Context of Use" in: Performance Engineering within the Software Development. Practices, Techniques and Technologies, eds: R. Dumke, C. Rautenstrauch, A. Schmietendorf, A. Scholz; Springer State of the Art Lecture Notes LINCS No. 2047, Berlin