
für Mag. DI Dr.  Alexander  Kainz

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Publikationen (73):

Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in SCI-Expanded-Zeitschrift

  1. Daniel Strasser, Martin Bergmann, Bas Smeulders, Dieter Paesold, Konrad Krimpelstätter, Peter Schellingerhout, Alexander Kainz, Klaus Zeman, "A novel model-based approach for the prediction of wear in cold rolling" , in Wear, Vol. 376-377, Elsevier, Seite(n) 1245-1259, 4-2017, ISSN: 1873-2577
  2. Alexander Kainz, Markus Widder, Klaus Zeman, "Enhanced Strip-Roll Coupling Concepts for the Numerical Simulation of Flat Hot Rolling" , in Hans Irschik, in Acta Mechanica, Springer Wien New York, 5-2013, ISSN: 0001-5970
  3. Norbert Gstöttenbauer, Alexander Kainz, Bernhard Manhartsgruber, Rudolf Scheidl, "Experimental and Numerical Studies of Squeeze Mode Behaviour of Magnetic Fluid" , in Emeritus Professor D Dowson, in Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering S., Vol. 222, Nummer 12, Professional Engineering Publishing, Seite(n) 2395-2407, 12-2008, ISSN: 2041-2983
  4. Alexander Kainz, Sergiu Ilie, Erik Parteder, Klaus Zeman, "From Slab Corner Cracks to Edge-Defects in Hot Rolled Strip - Experimental and Numerical Investigations" , in Steel Institute VDEh, Max-Planck-Institut für Eisenforschung, ASMET, in Steel Research International, Vol. 79, Nummer 11, Verlag Stahleisen GmbH, Sohnstr. 65, D-40237 Düsseldorf, Seite(n) 861-867, 11-2008, ISSN: 1611-3683
  5. Alexander Kainz, Josef Synka, "A Novel Mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian Finite-Element Method for Steady-State Hot Rolling Processes" , in International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, Vol. 45, Nummer 12, Elsevier Science, 12-2003, ISSN: 0020-7403
  6. Josef Synka, Alexander Kainz, "Extension of the concept of material objectivity to mixed Eulerian-Lagrangian reference systems" , in Acta Mechanica, Vol. 166, Nummer 1-4, Springer-Verlag Wien, Seite(n) 13-25, 12-2003, ISSN: 0001-5970

Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in sonstiger referierter Fachzeitschrift

  1. Martin Bergmann, Konrad Krimpelstätter, Bas Smeulders, Peter Schellingerhout, Dieter Paesold, Daniel Strasser, Alexander Kainz, Klaus Zeman, "Erweitertes tribologisches Modell für das Kaltwalzen von Band" , in Stahl und Eisen, Nummer 136, 11-2016, ISSN: 0340-4803
  2. Klaus Zeman, Thomas Pumhössel, Johann Reisinger, Günther Winter, Alexander Kainz, "Modellbildung und Simulation ? eine permanente Herausforderung auf dem Weg zur cyber-physischen Produktion" , in BHM Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte, Vol. 161, Nummer 11, Springer Verlag, Seite(n) 532?538, 2016, ISSN: 0005-8912
  3. Erik Parteder, Alexander Kainz, Gerald Hein, Klaus Zeman, "3D Modelling Concepts in Hot Strip Rolling" , in H. Clemens, W. Krieger, H. Wagner, in BHM Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte, Vol. 152, Nummer 11, Springer Wien, Seite(n) 367-371, 11-2007, ISSN: 0005-8912
  4. Josef Synka, Alexander Kainz, Andreas Obereder, Robert Maringer, "Numerical analysis of a new Eulerian-Lagrangian finite element method applied to steady-state hot rolling processes" , in International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 62 (5), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., Seite(n) 616-638, 2-2005, ISSN: 1097-0207
  5. Alexander Kainz, Josef Synka, "A Novel Approach in Simulating the Hot Rolling Process" , in ECMI Newsletter (European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry), Nummer 28, ECMI - The European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry, Seite(n) 11-13, 10-2000, ISSN: 1013-9338
  6. Alexander Kainz, Urbanus Maria Titulaer, "An accurate two-stream moment method for kinetic boundary layer problems of linear kinetic equations" , in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Seite(n) 1855-1874, 1992, ISSN: 0305-4470,
    A.J.Kainz, U.M.Titulaer, "An accurate two-stream moment method for kinetic boundary layer problems of linear kinetic equations", J.Phys.A.: Math.Gen.25: 1855-1874. 1992
  7. Alexander Kainz, Urbanus Maria Titulaer, "The structure of the stationary kinetic boundary layer for the linear BGK equations" , in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Seite(n) 3189-3203, 1992, ISSN: 0305-4470,
    A.J.Kainz, U.M.Titulaer, "The structure of the stationary kinetic boundary layer for the linear BGK equation",J.Phys.A: Math.Gen.25: 3189-3203. 1992
  8. Alexander Kainz, Urbanus Maria Titulaer, "The analytic structure of the stationary kinetic boundary layer for Brownian particles near an absorbing wall" , in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Seite(n) 4677-4695, 1991, ISSN: 0305-4470,
    A.J.Kainz, U.M.Titulaer, "The analytic structure of the stationary kinetic boundary layer for Brownian particles near an absorbing wall", J.Phys.A.: Math.Gen.24:4677-4695. 1991

Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in nicht-referierter Fachzeitschrift

  1. Konrad Krimpelstätter, Alexander Kainz, Gerald Hohenbichler, Gerhard Finstermann, Klaus Zeman, "Triple-A Rolling Model: Advanced Evaluation of Rollability" , in Metals and Mining, Vol. 3, Seite(n) 52-53, 2007
  2. Alois Seilinger, Alexander Kainz, Andreas Mayrhofer, "SmartCrown - A new system for improved Profile and Flatness Control in Rolling Mills" , in Iron and Steel Review International, Vol. 46, Nummer 5, Seite(n) 84-88, 10-2002,
    A.Seilinger, A. Kainz, A.Mayrhofer, "SmartCrown-A new system for improved Profile and Flatness Control in Rolling Mills", Iron & Steel Review International 2002, A Global Publication on Steel & Heavy Engineering, Vol. 46, No. 5, October 2002, pp. 84-88.
  3. Alois Seilinger, Alexander Kainz, Andreas Mayrhofer, "SmartCrown - A new system for improved profile and flatness control in strip mills" , in Steel Times International, Vol. 26, Nummer 10, Seite(n) 11-12, 11-2002,
    A.Seilinger, A.Kainz, A.Mayrhofer, "SmartCrown - A new system for improved profile and flatness control in strip mills", Steel Times International, Incorporating Steel Times, Vol. 26, No.10, November 2002, pp.11-12.

Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in Tagungsband (referiert)

  1. Daniel Strasser, Martin Bergmann, Bas Smeulders, Dieter Paesold, Konrad Krimpelstätter, Peter Schellingerhout, Alexander Kainz, Klaus Zeman, "Wear generation during cold strip rolling - a model based analysis" , Proceedings of the 3rd European Steel Technology and Application Days Conference, Seite(n) 2141-2150, 6-2017, ISBN: 978-3-200-05196-6
  2. Martin Bergmann, Bas Smeulders, Dieter Paesold, Daniel Strasser, Peter Schellingerhout, Konrad Krimpelstätter, Alexander Kainz, Klaus Zeman, "Application and validation of an enhanced tribological model for cold strip rolling" , Proceedings of the 10th International Rolling Conference and the 7th European Rolling Conference, Seite(n) 473-482, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-200-04613-9
  3. Alexander Kainz, Thomas Pumhössel, Matthias Kurz, Markus Widder, Larissa Aigner, Klaus Zeman, "Prediction of camber formation, suppression and control of wedge-shaped hot rolled slabs by analytical concepts and finite elements" , 17th IFAC Symposium on Control, Optimization and Automation in Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing, in IFAC: International Federation of Automatic Control, Serie IFAC Papers Online, Seite(n) 264-269, 9-2016
  4. Alexander Kainz, Thomas Pumhössel, Matthias Kurz, Andreas Schiefermüller, Klaus Zeman, "Analysis of camber formation, suppression and control in hot rolling of wedge-shaped slabs by utilizing FEM and analytical concepts" , XIII International Conference on Computational Plasticity. Fundamentals and Applications Complas 2015., in E. Oñate, D.R.J. Owen, D. Peric and M. Chiumenti, Nummer First edition, August 2015, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Gran Capitán s/n, 08034 Barcelona, Spain., Seite(n) 694-705, 8-2015, ISBN: 978-84-944244-6-5
  5. Christian Wöckinger, Alexander Kainz, Erik Parteder, Klaus Zeman, "Modelling hot levelling processes by utilising Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (ALE) concepts" , COMPUTATIONAL PLASTICITY XIII Fundamentals and Applications (COMPLAS 2015), in E. Oñate, D.R.J. Owen, D. Peric and M. Chiumenti, Nummer First edition, August 2015, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Gran Capitán s/n, 08034 Barcelona, Spain, Seite(n) 747-758, 8-2015, ISBN: 978-84-944244-6-5
  6. Matthias Kurz, Rüdiger Döll, Alexander Kainz, Thomas Pumhössel, Klaus Zeman, "Wedge and Camber Control" , METEC and 2nd ESTAD 2015, in Hans Jürgen Kerkhoff, Steel Institute VDEh, Düsseldorf, Germany, 6-2015
  7. Alfred Sadlauer, Peter Hehenberger, Klaus Anzengruber, Alexander Kainz, Klaus Zeman, "An Educational Concept for Mechatronic Design and Product Development" , Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Research and Education in Mechatronics, 6-2013, ISBN: 9783902759078
  8. Vinzenz Sattinger, Alexander Kainz, Karl Schörkhuber, Larissa Aigner, Klaus Zeman, "Calculation of Mechanical and Thermal Influences During Coiling of Hot Strip" , Computational Plasticity XII - Fundamentals and Applications, in E.Onate, D.R.j. Owen, D. Peric, B. Suarez, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Gran Capitan, 08034 Barcelona, Spain, 9-2013, ISBN: 978-84-941531-5-0
  9. Martin Bergmann, Alexander Kainz, Klaus Zeman, Konrad Krimpelstätter, Dieter Paesold, Bas Smeulders, Peter Schellingerhout, "Enhanced Modelling of Friction and Lubrication in Cold Strip Rolling" , Proceedings of the 9th International and 6th European Rolling Conference 2013, 6-2013
  10. Martin Bergmann, Klaus Zeman, Alexander Kainz, Konrad Krimpelstätter, Dieter Paesold, Peter Schellingerhout, Bas Smeulders, "Mixed Lubrication Model for Cold Rolling Considering the Inlet and Deformation Zones" , ASME 2012 International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (MSEC 2012), 6-2012
  11. Alexander Kainz, Klaus Zeman, Markus Widder, Erik Parteder, Gerald Hein, Karl Schörkhuber, "Non-linearly Coupled Models for the Analysis of Profile and Flatness in Flat Rolling with particular emphasis on Elasto-Viscoplastic Constitutive Laws" , The 13'th Mechatronics Forum International Conference, in R.Scheidl, B.Jakoby, Serie Mechatronics 2012 Linz, Vol. 3, Nummer 3, Trauner Verlag, Linz, Seite(n) 887-894, 9-2012, ISBN: 978-3-99033-046-3
  12. Lorenz Steinwender, Christoph Salzmann, Alexander Kainz, Konrad Krimpelstätter, Klaus Zeman, "A Holistic Modeling Approach for the Design of Tension Leveling and Scale Breaking Processes and Equipment" , Sheet Metal 2011, Serie Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 473, Seite(n) 757-764, 4-2011, ISBN: 978-3-03785-083-1
  13. Lorenz Steinwender, Alexander Kainz, Konrad Krimpelstätter, Klaus Zeman, "A Novel Approach for the Modeling of Tension Leveling Processes by Employing Parametric Shape Functions" , METEC InSteelCon 2011 Proceedings, 6-2011
  14. Lorenz Steinwender, Alexander Kainz, Konrad Krimpelstätter, Klaus Zeman, "An Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) Approach for the Modelling of Tension Levelling Processes" , Computational Plasticity XI - Fundamentals and Applications (COMPLAS XI), in E.Onate, D.R.J.Owen, D.Peric, B.Suarez, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Gran Capitan, 08034 Barcelona, Spain, 9-2011, ISBN: 978-84-89925-23-6
  15. Alexander Kainz, Markus Widder, Erik Parteder, Gerald Hein, Karl Schörkhuber, Klaus Zeman, "An enhanced iterative algorithm for the contact between elastic roll stack and elasto-viscoplastic strip and plate in hot rolling" , Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2011), Aachen, Germany, September 25 - 30, 2011, in Gerhard Hirt, A. Erman Tekkaya, Serie Steel research international, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Weinheim, Seite(n) 131-136, 9-2011, ISBN: 978-3-514-00784-0, ISSN: 1611-3683
  16. Alexander Kainz, Markus Widder, Erik Parteder, Gerald Hein, Karl Schörkhuber, Klaus Zeman, "Analysis of profile and flatness in flat hot rolling based on non-linearly coupled models for elastic roll-stack deflection and pseudo-steady-state elasto-viscoplastic strip" , Computational Plasticity XI - Fundamentals and Applications (COMPLAS XI), in E.Onate, D.R.J.Owen, D.Peric, B.Suarez, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Gran Capitan, 08034 Barcelona, Spain, 9-2011, ISBN: 978-84-89925-23-6
  17. Martin Bergmann, Klaus Zeman, Alexander Kainz, Konrad Krimpelstätter, Dieter Paesold, Bas Smeulders, "Extended model for the prediction of boundary and hydrodynamic friction in cold rolling using a modular concept of models" , Metec InSteelCon 2011 Proceedings, 6-2011
  18. Lorenz Steinwender, Alexander Kainz, Konrad Krimpelstätter, Klaus Zeman, "Numerical Simulation of Tension Losses and Reaction Forces in Tension Levellers" , Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Technology of Plasticity (ICTP 2011), Aachen, Germany, September 25 - 30, 2011, in Gerhard Hirt, A. Erman Tekkaya, Serie Steel research international, Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA. Weinheim, Seite(n) 343-348, 9-2011, ISBN: 978-3-514-00784-0, ISSN: 1611-3683
  19. Alexander Kainz, Markus Widder, Erik Parteder, Gerald Hein, Karl Schörkhuber, Klaus Zeman, "Offline determination of profile and flatness by applying pseudo-steady-state elasto-viscoplastic simulation concepts in flat hot rolling" , METEC InSteelCon 2011 Proceedings, in METEC InSteelCon 2011, Düsseldorf, Germany, 6-2011
  20. Martin Bergmann, Alexander Kainz, Lorenz Steinwender, Klaus Zeman, "Schnelle und zuverlässige Modelle für Design und Regelung von Umformprozessen" , Internationales Forum Mechatronik Tagungsband 2011, in Cluster Mechatronik & Automation e.V., Seite(n) 653-663, 9-2011, ISBN: 978-3-00-035785-5
  21. Lorenz Steinwender, Alexander Kainz, Konrad Krimpelstätter, Klaus Zeman, "Computational Analysis of the Curvature Distribution and Power Losses of Metal Strip in Tension Levellers" , Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and 4th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2010, ISBN: 978-0-9808244-0-7
  22. Martin Bergmann, Klaus Zeman, Alexander Kainz, Konrad Krimpelstätter, Dieter Paesold, "Enhanced mixed lubrication model for cold rolling based on a modular and hierarchical structure" , Tribology in Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 2, 6-2010
  23. Lorenz Steinwender, Zhenjiao Niu, Alexander Kainz, Konrad Krimpelstätter, Gerald Hohenbichler, Klaus Zeman, "Curvature Distribution of Metal Strip in Processing Lines and the Resulting Tension- and Power Requirements" , Internationales Forum Mechatronik, Tagungsband, Linz 2009, in Clusterland Oberösterreich GmbH / Mechatronik-Cluster, Seite(n) 67-76, 11-2009, ISBN: 978-3-9502270-5-5
  24. Markus Pilz, Alexander Kainz, Klaus Zeman, Konrad Krimpelstätter, Gerald Hohenbichler, Dieter Paesold, "Enhanced temper rolling model including Prandtl-Reuss decomposition" , 5th European Rolling Conference, IOM, London 2009, in IOM Communications Ltd, 6-2009
  25. Christian Edelbauer, Alexander Kainz, Dieter Paesold, Leonhard Schickmair, Klaus Zeman, "FEM-Simulation der Rauheitsübertragung beim Dressierwalzprozess mittels Submodelltechnik" , Internationales Forum Mechatronik, Tagungsband, Linz 2009, in Clusterland Oberösterreich GmbH / Mechatronik-Cluster, Seite(n) 31-41, 11-2009, ISBN: 978-3-9502270-5-5
  26. Christian Edelbauer, Alexander Kainz, Dieter Paesold, Klaus Zeman, "Simulation Concepts for Roughness Transfer in Temper and Skin Pass Rolling" , 8th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8), ECCOMAS 2008, in B.A.Schrefler, U. Perego, Serie WCCM 2008, IACM - ECCOMAS 2008, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Gran Capitan, 08034 Barcelona, Spain, Seite(n) a1362.pdf, 6-2008, ISBN: 978-84-96736-55-9
  27. Christian Edelbauer, Klaus Zeman, Dieter Paesold, Alexander Kainz, "3D Finite Element Simulation of Roughness Transfer in Temper and Skin-Pass Rolling" , Computational Plasticity IX Fundamentals and Applications, in E. Onate, D.R.J. Owen, B. Suarez, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE), Vol. 2, Artes Graficas Torres S.L., Morales 17, 08029 Barcelona, Spain, Seite(n) 757-760, 9-2007, ISBN: 978-84-96736-29-0,
    Key words: Temper Rolling, Roughness Transfer, Finite Element Method, Submodelling, Elastic Roll Deformation
  28. Erik Parteder, Alexander Kainz, Gerald Hein, Klaus Zeman, "3D Modelling Concepts in Hot Strip Rolling" , 2nd International Conference of Simulation and Modelling of Metallurgical Processes in Steelmaking (SteelSim 2007), in ASMET, The Austrian Society for Metallurgy and Materials, Andreas Ludwig, Vol. 1, Gutenberghaus Druck GmbH, Knittelfeld, Styria, Austria, Seite(n) 330-335, 9-2007, ISBN: 3-901384-23-5
  29. Alexander Kainz, Klaus Zeman, Markus Widder, Erik Parteder, "Elasto-Plastic Simulation Concepts For Profile Transfer And Flatness Prediction In Flat Hot Rolling" , Materials Processing and Design: Modeling, Simulation and Applications NUMIFORM 2007, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, in Santos, Abel D.; César de Sá, Jose M. A., Serie AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 908, American Institute of Physics, Melville, New York, Seite(n) 1017-1022, 6-2007, ISBN: 978-0-7354-0416-8,
    Numiform 2007: Proceedings of the 9 th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes. Keywords: Flat hot rolling, Strip Profile, Strip Flatness, Strip Profile transfer, Elastic roll stack, Residual stresses, Buckling, Elasto-plastic constitutive laws, Pseudo-steady state streamline update. PACS: 02.70.Dh, 81.20.Hy, 81.40.Lm, 83.60.La
  30. Gerald Hohenbichler, Gerhard Finstermann, Konrad Krimpelstätter, Alexander Kainz, Klaus Zeman, "New temper rolling model for advanced evaluation of rollability" , Proceedings 3rd International Steel Conference on New Developments in Metallurgical Process Technologies (METEC InSteelCon 2007), in METEC InSteelCon 2007, Seite(n) 394-401, 6-2007
  31. Alexander Kainz, Klaus Zeman, Konrad Krimpelstätter, "Inconsistencies in Plane-strain Elasto-plastic Rolling Simulations" , PAMM 2006 (GAMM Annual Meeting 2006 - Berlin), in WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim, Serie PAMM 2006, Vol. 6, Nummer 1, Wiley InterScience, Seite(n) 387-388, 12-2006
  32. Konrad Krimpelstätter, Alexander Kainz, Klaus Zeman, Gerhard Finstermann, Georg Keintzel, Gerwald Glanner, "Self-adaptive determination of "Contained Plastic Flow" in temper rolling models" , Proceedings of 7th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2006), Los Angeles, 2006
  33. Klaus Zeman, Konrad Krimpelstätter, Gerhard Finstermann, Gerwald Glanner, Dieter Paesold, Alexander Kainz, "Consideration of Circumferential Work Roll Surface Displacements in a Non-Circular Arc Temper Rolling Model" , VIII International Conference on Computational Plasticity (Complas VIII), in E. Onate and D.R.J.Owen, CIMNE, Barcelona, 2005, 2005
  34. Alexander Kainz, Dieter Paesold, Gerald Riha, Georg Keintzel, Konrad Krimpelstätter, Klaus Zeman, "Finite Element Simulation of Skin-Pass and Temper Rolling Processes with special emphasis on Roughness Transfer" , Proceedings NAFEMS World Congress 2005 Malta Engineering Simulation, in Nafems Ltd., East Kilbride, Glasgow, G75 0QD, United Kingdom, 5-2005, ISBN: 1-874376-03-4
  35. Hrg. Norbert Gstöttenbauer, Alexander Kainz, Bernhard Manhartsgruber, Rudolf Scheidl, "Systematic Experimental studies and Computational Perspectives of the non-linear squeeze Mode behaviour of Magneto-Rheological Fluids" , Power Transmition and Motion Control, PTMC 2005, in D N Johnston, C R Burrows, K A Edge, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Seite(n) 291, 9-2005, ISBN: 978-0-470-01677-0
  36. Josef Synka, Alexander Kainz, "An Eulerian-Lagrangian Concept for the Numerical Simulation of Flat Steady-State Hot Rolling Processes" , PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., Vol. 4 (1), Seite(n) 229-230, 12-2004
  37. Hrg. Norbert Gstöttenbauer, Alexander Kainz, Bernhard Manhartsgruber, Rudolf Scheidl, "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Squeeze Mode of Magneto-Rheological Fluids" , Schriftreihe der Technischen Universität Wien, in R. Flesch, H. Irschik and M. Krommer, Vol. 1, TU Wien, 2004, ISBN: 3-901167-90-0
  38. Andreas Obereder, Alexander Kainz, "Fast Numerical Simulation of 3D Steady-State Hot Rolling Processes by Utilizing Diffpack and Deform" , PAMM - Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., Vol. 4, Seite(n) 362-363, 12-2004
  39. Konrad Krimpelstätter, Klaus Zeman, Alexander Kainz, "Non Circular Arc Temper Rolling Model considering Radial and Circumferential Work Roll Displacements" , Materials Processing and Design: Modeling, Simulation and Applications, Numiform 2004, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, in American Institute of Physics, 2004, ISBN: 0-7354-0189-6
  40. Bernhard Manhartsgruber, Alexander Kainz, Rudolf Scheidl, "Computer Aided Design and Optimization of a Test Rig for Magneto-Rheological Fluid Behaviour" , Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Computational Methods in Fluid Power Technology, in J S Stecki, Seite(n) 401-412, 11-2003, ISBN: 0-9578574-1-1
  41. Alexander Kainz, Andreas Obereder, "Finite Element Simulations of the Visco-Plastic Strip Behavior for Steady-State Flat Rolling Processes" , WCCM V - Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 7-2002, ISBN: 3-9501554-0-6,
    A. Kainz, A. Obereder, Finite Element Simulations of the Visco-Plastic Strip Behavior for Steady-State Flat Hot Rolling Processes, Paper-ID: 80371, in WCCM V - Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 7-12,2002, Vienna, Austria. Editors: Mang, H.A.; Rammerstorfer, F.G.; Eberhardsteiner, J.; Publisher: Vienna University of Technology, Austria
  42. Alexander Kainz, Gerhard Finstermann, "A New Eulerian Lagrangian Hybrid Finite Element Method for the Numerical Simulation of Stationary Rolling Processes" , Modelling of Metal Rolling Processes 3, in J.H.Beynon, M.T.Clark, P.Ingham, P.Kern, K.Waterson, IOM Communications (Institute of Materials), Seite(n) 104-113, 12-1999, ISBN: 1-86125-105-X
  43. Alexander Kainz, Urbanus Maria Titulaer, "Knudsen number expansions for kinetic boundary layers around a sphere" , Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, 1995,
    A.J. Kainz, U.M. Titulaer, Knudsen number expansions for kinetic boundary layers around a sphere, Rarefied Gas Dynamics, Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, edited by J. Harvey, G. Lord, Oxford University Press, 1995
  44. Alexander Kainz, Urbanus Maria Titulaer, "Study of the two-stream moment method for linear kinetic equations" , Rarefied Gas Dynamics: Theory and Simulations, 1994,
    A.J. Kainz, U.M. Titulaer, Study of the two-stream moment method for linear kinetic equations, Aufsatz/Paper in Tagungsband referiert, 1994

Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in Tagungsband (nicht-referiert)

  1. Lorenz Steinwender, Alexander Kainz, Konrad Krimpelstätter, Klaus Zeman, "Analysis of the Tension Levelling Process Using Special ALE-formulations" , XXXI. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium (Tagungsband), in Lehrstuhl für Umformtechnik, MU Leoben, 2012, ISBN: 978-3-902078-17-9
  2. Peter Hehenberger, Stefan Punz, Martin Follmer, Alexander Kainz, Klaus Zeman, "Ein Konzept für Mechatronisches Design in der Lehre" , Internationales Forum Mechatronik 2010, in ZHAW, Institute für Mechatronische Systeme, 11-2010, ISBN: 978-3-033-02655-1
  3. Alexander Kainz, Klaus Zeman, "Ausgewählte Umformsimulationen mit Deform und Abaqus Explicit" , Tagungsband XXIII. Verformungskundliches Kolloquium der Montanuniversität Leoben, in Institut für Verformungskunde und Hüttenmaschinen, O.Univ.-Prof.Dr.mont. Bruno Buchmayr, Vol. 1, Copyright by VKH 2004 (O.Univ.-Prof.Dr.mont. Bruno Buchmayr), Seite(n) 75-90, 3-2004, ISBN: 3-902078-05-7,
    Massivumformprozesse, Flachstiche, Stauchstiche, thermomechanische Kopplung, Dressierwalzen, Magneto-rheologische Flüssigkeiten.

Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in Sammelwerk (nicht-referiert)

  1. Erik Parteder, Alexander Kainz, Gerald Hein, Klaus Zeman, "3D Modelling of Hot Strip Rolling with ABAQUS" , 2008 Abaqus Austria Regional Users´ Meeting: Conference Proceedings (CD, Simulia), 11-2008
  2. Lorenz Steinwender, Alexander Kainz, Konrad Krimpelstätter, Gerald Hohenbichler, Klaus Zeman, "FEM-Simulation of the Tension Levelling Process with Abaqus/Explicit" , 2008 Abaqus Austria Regional Users´ Meeting: Conference Proceedings (CD, Simulia), 11-2008
  3. Alexander Kainz, Dieter Paesold, Klaus Zeman, Konrad Krimpelstätter, Gerald Riha, "Finite element modelling of temper rolling with particular emphasis on roughness transfer" , Abaqus Austria Users' Conference 2005 (Proceedings on CD), 9-2005
  4. Klaus Zeman, Alexander Kainz, "Selected Rolling and Smart Material Simulations by Utilizing the Finite Element Package Deform" , Third European Deform User's Conference 2004 (CD), 5-2004,
    Keywords: Hot Rolling Simulations, Thermo-mechanical coupling, Rigid-viscoplastic and elasto-viscoplastic constitutive laws, Magneto-rheological fluids, Squeeze mode, Parameter identification.
  5. Alexander Kainz, Klaus Zeman, Konrad Krimpelstätter, "FE-Simulation of Thin Strip and Temper Rolling Processes" , Abaqus Austria Anwenderkonferenz 2003 (CD), 11-2003

Publikationstyp: Monographie (Erstauflage)

  1. Alexander Kainz, "Kinetische Grenzschichtprobleme in planarer und sphärischer Geometrie" , Serie Schriften der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Reihe C - Technik und Naturwissenschaften, Vol. 3, Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner, Linz, Austria, 1994, ISBN: 3-85320-650-6

Publikationstyp: Dissertation

  1. Alexander Kainz, "Kinetische Grenzschichtprobleme in planarer und sphärischer Geometrie" , 1993

Publikationstyp: Diplom- oder Masterarbeit

  1. Alexander Kainz, "Strukturanalyse kinetischer Grenzschichten mit Hilfe von Zweistrom-Momentenverfahren" , 5-1995,
    zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines Mag. der Naturwissenschaften, eingereicht bei O.Univ.-Prof. Dr. U.M. Titulaer, Institut für Theoretische Physik der Universität Linz
  2. Alexander Kainz, "Die Struktur der kinetischen Grenzschicht für ein System Brownscher Teilchen" , 5-1989