
für Prof.i.R. Dr.  Erich  Klement

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Publikationen (228):

Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in SCI-Expanded-Zeitschrift

  1. Erich Klement, Damjana Kokol Bukov?ek, Blaz Mojskerc, Matja? Omladi?, Susanne Saminger-Platz, Nik Stopar, "Coherence and avoidance of sure loss for standardized functions and semicopulas" , in International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Vol. 165, Seite(n) 109089, 2024
  2. Susanne Saminger-Platz, Anna Kolesárová, Adam Seliga, Radko Mesiar, Erich Klement, "On comprehensive families of copulas involving the three basic copulas and transformations thereof" , in Dependence Modeling, Vol. 12, Seite(n) 20240007, 2024
  3. Susanne Saminger-Platz, Anna Kolesárová, Adam Seliga, Radko Mesiar, Erich Klement, "Parameterized transformations and truncation: When is the result a copula?" , in Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 436, Seite(n) Art. Nr. 115340, 2024
  4. Erich Klement, Damjana Kokol Bukov?ek, Matja? Omladi?, Susanne Saminger-Platz, Nik Stopar, "Multivariate copulas with given values at two arbitrary points" , in Statistical Papers, Vol. 64, Seite(n) 2015-2055, 2023, ISSN: 0932-5026
  5. Fabrizio Durante, Erich Klement, Susanne Saminger-Platz, Carlo Sempi, "Ordinal sums: From triangular norms to bi- and multivariate copulas" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 451, Seite(n) 28-64, 2022, ISSN: 1872-6801
  6. Erich Klement, Fateme Kouchakinejad, Debashree Guha, Radko Mesiar, "Generalizing expected values to the case of L*-fuzzy events" , in International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 50, Nummer 1, Seite(n) 36-62, 2021, ISSN: 1563-5104
  7. Susanne Saminger-Platz, Anna Kolesárová, Adam Seliga, Radko Mesiar, Erich Klement, "New results on perturbation-based copulas" , in Dependence Modeling, Vol. 9, Seite(n) 347-373, 2021, ISSN: 2300-2298
  8. Adam Seliga, Manuel Kauers, Susanne Saminger-Platz, Radko Mesiar, Anna Kolesárová, Erich Klement, "Polynomial bivariate copulas of degree five: characterization and some particular inequalities" , in Dependence Modeling, Vol. 9, Seite(n) 13-42, 2021, ISSN: 2300-2298
  9. Susanne Saminger-Platz, Anna Kolesárová, Adam Seliga, Radko Mesiar, Erich Klement, "The impact on the properties of the EFGM copulas when extending this family" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 415, Seite(n) 1-26, 2021, ISSN: 1872-6801
  10. Susanne Saminger-Platz, Anna Kolesárová, Radko Mesiar, Erich Klement, "The key role of convexity in some copula constructions" , in European Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 6, Seite(n) 533-560, 2020, ISSN: 2199-6768
  11. Susanne Saminger-Platz, Anna Kolesárová, Radko Mesiar, Erich Klement, "A note on a generalized Frank functional equation" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 335, Seite(n) 48-54, 2018, ISSN: 1872-6801
  12. José de Jesús Arias-García, Radko Mesiar, Erich Klement, Susanne Saminger-Platz, Bernard De Baets, "Extremal Lipschitz continuous aggregation functions with a given diagonal section" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 346, Seite(n) 147-167, 2018, ISSN: 1872-6801
  13. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, "L-fuzzy sets and isomorphic lattices: are all the "new" results really new?" , in Mathematics, Vol. 6, Nummer 9, MDPI, Seite(n) 146, 2018, ISSN: 2227-7390
  14. Susanne Saminger-Platz, José de Jesús Arias-García, Radko Mesiar, Erich Klement, "Characterizations of bivariate conic, extreme value, and Archimax copulas" , in Dependence Modeling, Vol. 5, Seite(n) 45-58, 2017, ISSN: 2300-2298
  15. Erich Klement, Anna Kolesárová, Radko Mesiar, Susanne Saminger-Platz, "On the role of ultramodularity and Schur concavity in the construction of binary copulas" , in Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, Vol. 11, Seite(n) 361-381, 2017, ISSN: 1846-579X
  16. Susanne Saminger-Platz, Michal Dibala, Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, "Ordinal sums of binary conjunctive operations based on the product" , in Publicationes Mathematicae, Vol. 91, Seite(n) 63-80, 2017, ISSN: 0033-3883
  17. Michal Dibala, Susanne Saminger-Platz, Radko Mesiar, Erich Klement, "Defects and transformations of quasi-copulas" , in Kybernetika, Vol. 52, Seite(n) 848-865, 12-2016, ISSN: 0023-5954
  18. Kurt Pichler, Edwin Lughofer, Markus Pichler, Thomas Buchegger, Erich Klement, Matthias Huschenbett, "Fault detection in reciprocating compressor valves under varying load conditions" , in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 70-71, Elsevier, Seite(n) 104-119, 2016, ISSN: 1096-1216
  19. Jun Li, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, Erich Klement, "Convergence theorems for monotone measures" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 281, Seite(n) 103-127, 2015, ISSN: 1872-6801
  20. Ciprian Zavoianu, Edwin Lughofer, Gerd Bramerdorfer, Wolfgang Amrhein, Erich Klement, "DECMO2 - A Robust Hybrid Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm" , in Soft Computing, Vol. 19, Nummer 12, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Seite(n) 3551?3569, 2015, ISSN: 1433-7479
  21. Kurt Pichler, Edwin Lughofer, Markus Pichler, Thomas Buchegger, Erich Klement, Matthias Huschenbett, "Detecting cracks in reciprocating compressor valves using pattern recognition in the pV diagram" , in Pattern Analysis and Applications, Vol. 18, Nummer 2, Springer, Seite(n) 461-472, 2015
  22. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, Jun Li, "Integrals based on monotone set functions" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 281, Seite(n) 88-102, 2015, ISSN: 1872-6801
  23. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, "On the expected values of fuzzy events" , in International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 23 Suppl. 1, Seite(n) 57-74, 2015, ISSN: 1793-6411
  24. Ciprian Zavoianu, Edwin Lughofer, Günther Weidenholzer, Werner Koppelstätter, Wolfgang Amrhein, Erich Klement, "Performance Comparison of Generational and Steady-State Asynchronous Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms for Computationally-Intensive Problems" , in Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 87, Seite(n) 47-60, 2015, ISSN: 0950-7051
  25. Erich Klement, Maddalena Manzi, Radko Mesiar, "Ultramodularity and copulas" , in Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 44, Seite(n) 189-202, 2014, ISSN: 0035-7596
  26. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Fabio Spizzichino, Andrea Stupnanová, "Universal integrals based on copulas" , in Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, Vol. 13, Seite(n) 273-286, 2014, ISSN: 1573-2908
  27. Erich Klement, Anna Kolesárová, Radko Mesiar, Andrea Stupnanová, "A generalization of universal integrals by means of level dependent capacities" , in Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 38, Seite(n) 14-18, 2013, ISSN: 0950-7051
  28. Ciprian Zavoianu, Edwin Lughofer, Gerd Bramerdorfer, Siegfried Silber, Wolfgang Amrhein, Erich Klement, "Hybridization of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks for Optimizing the Performance of Electrical Drives" , in Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 26, Nummer 8, Elsevier Ltd., Seite(n) 1781-1794, 9-2013, ISSN: 0952-1976
  29. Wolfgang Heidl, Stefan Thumfart, Edwin Lughofer, Christian Eitzinger, Erich Klement, "Machine learning based analysis of gender differences in visual inspection decision making" , in Information Sciences, Vol. 224, Seite(n) 62-76, 2013, ISSN: 1872-6291
  30. Janos Fodor, Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, "Cross-migrative triangular norms" , in International Journal of Intelligent Systems, Vol. 27, Nummer 5, Seite(n) 411-428, 2012, ISSN: 1098-111X
  31. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, "Discrete integrals and axiomatically defined functionals" , in Axioms, Vol. 1, Nummer 1, Seite(n) 9-20, 2012, ISSN: 2075-1680
  32. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, "On the axiomatization of some classes of discrete universal integrals" , in Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 28, Seite(n) 13-18, 2012, ISSN: 0950-7051
  33. Edwin Lughofer, Vicente Macian, Carlos Guardiola, Erich Klement, "Identifying Static and Dynamic Prediction Models for NOx Emissions with Evolving Fuzzy Systems" , in Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 11, Nummer 2, Elsevier, Seite(n) 2487-2500, 3-2011, ISSN: 1872-9681
  34. Erich Klement, Maddalena Manzi, Radko Mesiar, "Ultramodular aggregation functions" , in Information Sciences, Vol. 181, Seite(n) 4101-4111, 2011, ISSN: 1872-6291
  35. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "A universal integral as common frame for Choquet and Sugeno integral" , in IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, Vol. 18, Seite(n) 178-187, 2010, ISSN: 1941-0034
  36. Petr Cintula, Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Mirko Navara, "Fuzzy logics with an additional involutive negation" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 161, Seite(n) 390-411, 2010, ISSN: 0165-0114
  37. Erich Klement, Anna Kolesárová, Radko Mesiar, Andrea Stupnanová, "Lipschitz continuity of discrete universal integrals based on copulas" , in International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 18, Seite(n) 39-52, 2010, ISSN: 1793-6411
  38. Fabrizio Durante, Erich Klement, Carlo Sempi, Manuel Úbeda-Flores, "Measures of non-exchangeability for bivariate random vectors" , in Statistical Papers, Vol. 51, Seite(n) 687-699, 2010
  39. Leila Muresan, Jaroslaw Jacak, Erich Klement, Jan Hesse, Gerhard Schütz, "Microarray analysis at single molecule resolution" , in IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Vol. 9, Seite(n) 51-58, 2010, ISSN: 1941-0085
  40. Fabrizio Durante, Erich Klement, José Juan Quesada-Molina, "Bounds for trivariate copulas with given bivariate marginals" , in Journal of Inequalities and Applications, Vol. 2008, 2008, ISSN: 1029-242X
  41. Susanne Saminger-Platz, Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, "On extensions of triangular norms on bounded lattices" , in Indagationes Mathematicae, Vol. 19, Seite(n) 135–150, 2008, ISSN: 0019-3577
  42. Fabrizio Durante, Carlo Sempi, Radko Mesiar, Erich Klement, "Conjunctors and their residual implicators: characterizations and construction methods" , in Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 4, Nummer 3, Seite(n) 343-356, 2007, ISSN: 1660-5446
  43. Erich Klement, Anna Kolesárová, Radko Mesiar, Carlo Sempi, "Copulas constructed from horizontal sections" , in Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, Vol. 36, Seite(n) 2901-2911, 2007, ISSN: 0361-0926
  44. Erich Klement, Anna Kolesárová, "Intervals of 1-Lipschitz aggregation operators, quasi-copulas, and copulas with given affine section" , in Monatshefte für Mathematik, Vol. 152, Seite(n) 151-167, 2007, ISSN: 0026-9255
  45. Fabrizio Durante, Erich Klement, José Juan Quesada-Molina, Peter Sarkoci, "Remarks on two product-like constructions for copulas" , in Kybernetika, Vol. 43, Nummer 2, Seite(n) 235-244, 2007, ISSN: 0023-5954
  46. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, "How non-symmetric can a copula be?" , in Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae, Vol. 47, Seite(n) 141-148, 2006, ISSN: 1213-7243
  47. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, "Open problems posed at the Eighth International Conference on Fuzzy Set Theory and Applications (FSTA 2006, Liptovský Ján, Slovakia)." , in Kybernetika, Vol. 42, Seite(n) 225-235, 2006, ISSN: 0023-5954
  48. Petr Cintula, Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Mirko Navara, "Residuated logics based on strict triangular norms with an involutive negation" , in Mathematical Logic Quarterly, Vol. 52, Seite(n) 269-282, 2006, ISSN: 1521-3870
  49. Erich Klement, Endre Pap, Radko Mesiar, "Archimax copulas and invariance under transformations" , in Comptes Rendus Mathematique, Vol. 340, Nummer 10, Seite(n) 755-758, 2005, ISSN: 1631-073X
  50. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "Archimedean components of triangular norms" , in Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, Vol. 78, Seite(n) 239-255, 2005, ISSN: 1446-8107
  51. Bettina Heise, Alois Sonnleitner, Erich Klement, "DIC image reconstruction on large cell scans" , in Microscopy Research and Technique, Vol. 66, Seite(n) 312-320, 2005, ISSN: 1097-0029
  52. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "Different types of continuity of triangular norms revisited" , in New Mathematics and Natural Computation, Vol. 1, Seite(n) 195-211, 2005, ISSN: 1793-0057
  53. Erich Klement, Anna Kolesárová, "Extension to copulas and quasi-copulas as special 1-Lipschitz aggregation operators" , in Kybernetika, Vol. 41, Seite(n) 329-348, 2005, ISSN: 0023-5954
  54. Erich Klement, Dan Butnariu, Mirko Navara, Radko Mesiar, "Sufficient triangular norms in many-valued logics with standard negation" , in Archive for Mathematical Logic, Vol. 44, Nummer 7, Seite(n) 829-849, 2005, ISSN: 1432-0665
  55. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "Transformation of copulas" , in Kybernetika, Vol. 41, Seite(n) 425-434, 2005, ISSN: 0023-5954
  56. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "Measure-based aggregation operators" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 142, Seite(n) 3-14, 2004, ISSN: 0165-0114
  57. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "Problems on triangular norms and related operators" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 145, Seite(n) 471-479, 2004, ISSN: 0165-0114
  58. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "Triangular norms. Position paper I: Basic analytical and algebraic properties" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 143, Seite(n) 5-26, 2004, ISSN: 0165-0114
  59. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "Triangular norms. Position paper II: General constructions and parameterized families" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 145, Seite(n) 411-438, 2004, ISSN: 0165-0114
  60. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "Triangular norms. Position paper III: Continuous t-norms" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 145, Seite(n) 439-454, 2004, ISSN: 0165-0114
  61. Ulrich Bodenhofer, Mario Drobics, Erich Klement, "FS-FOIL: An Inductive Learning Method for Extracting Interpretable Fuzzy Descriptions" , in International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Vol. 32, Nummer 2-3, Seite(n) 131-152, 2-2003, ISSN: 1873-4731
  62. Erich Klement, Josef Hekrdla, Mirko Navara, "Two approaches to fuzzy propositional logics" , in Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing (MVLSC), Vol. 9, Seite(n) 343-360, 2003, ISSN: 1542-3980
  63. Sándor Jenei, Erich Klement, Richard Konzel, "Interpolation and extrapolation of fuzzy quantities - the multiple-dimensional case" , in Soft Computing, Vol. 6, Seite(n) 258-270, 2002, ISSN: 1432-7643
  64. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "Invariant copulas" , in Kybernetika, Vol. 38, Seite(n) 275-285, 2002, ISSN: 0023-5954
  65. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "On the order of triangular norms - comments on "A triangular norm hierarchy" by E. Cretu" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 131, Seite(n) 409-413, 2002, ISSN: 0165-0114
  66. Erich Klement, Endre Pap, Radko Mesiar, "Triangular norms as ordinal sums of semigroups in the sense of A.H.Clifford" , in Semigroup Forum, Vol. 65, Seite(n) 71-82, 2002, ISSN: 0037-1912
  67. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "Uniform approximation of associative copulas by strict and non-strict copulas" , in Illinois Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 45, Seite(n) 1393-1400, 2001, ISSN: 1945-6581
  68. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "Generated triangular norms" , in Kybernetika, Vol. 36, Seite(n) 363-377, 2000, ISSN: 0023-5954
  69. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "Integration with respect to decomposable measures, based on a conditionally distributive semiring on the unit interval" , in International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 8, Seite(n) 701-717, 2000, ISSN: 1793-6411
  70. Erich Klement, Mirko Navara, "A survey on different triangular norm-based fuzzy logics." , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 101, Seite(n) 241-251, 1999, ISSN: 0165-0114
  71. Erich Klement, Bernhard Moser, László T. Kóczy, "Are fuzzy systems universal approximators?" , in International Journal of General Systems, Vol. 28, Seite(n) 259-282, 2-1999, ISSN: 1563-5104
  72. Bernhard Moser, Elena Tsiporkova, Erich Klement, "Convex combinations in terms of triangular norms: A characterization ofidempotent, bisymmetrical and self-dual compensatory operators." , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 104, Seite(n) 97-108, 1999, ISSN: 0165-0114
  73. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "Quasi- and pseudo-inverses of monotone functions, and the construction of t-norms" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 104, Seite(n) 3-13, 1999, ISSN: 0165-0114
  74. Erich Klement, "Applications of soft computing --- some personal reflections" , in Soft Computing, Vol. 2, Seite(n) 16-17, 1998, ISSN: 1432-7643
  75. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "A characterization of the ordering of continuous t-norms" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 86, Seite(n) 189-195, 1997, ISSN: 0165-0114
  76. Erich Klement, Mirko Navara, "A characterization of tribes with respect to the Lukasiewicz t-norm." , in Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, Vol. 47 (122), Seite(n) 689-70, 1997, ISSN: 1572-9141
  77. Bernhard Moser, Erich Klement, "On the redundancy of fuzzy partitions" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 85, Seite(n) 195-201, 1997, ISSN: 0165-0114
  78. Erich Klement, "Some mathematical aspects of fuzzy sets. Triangular norms, fuzzy logics,and generalized measures." , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 90, Seite(n) 133-140, 1997, ISSN: 0165-0114
  79. Christian Schuh, Max Hiesmayr, Thomas Ehrngruber, Elfriede Katz, T. Neugebauer, Klaus-Peter Adlassnig, Erich Klement, "A fuzzy-controlled weaning system in the intensive care unit" , in Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, Vol. 40, Seite(n) 212, 1996, ISSN: 0001-5172
  80. Dan Butnariu, Erich Klement, "Core, value and equilibria for market games: on a problem of Aumann and Shapley" , in International Journal of Game Theory, Vol. 25, Seite(n) 149-160, 1996, ISSN: 1432-1270
  81. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "On the relationship of associative compensatory operators to triangular norms and conorms" , in International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems, Vol. 4, Seite(n) 129-144, 1996, ISSN: 1793-6411
  82. Dan Butnariu, Erich Klement, Samy Zafrany, "On triangular norm-based propositional fuzzy logics" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 69, Seite(n) 241-255, 1995, ISSN: 0165-0114
  83. Erich Klement, Siegfried Weber, "An integral representation for decomposable measures of measurable functions" , in Aequationes Mathematicae, Vol. 47, Nummer 2-3, Seite(n) 255-262, 1994, ISSN: 0001-9054
  84. Erich Klement, Siegfried Weber, "Generalized measures" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 40, Seite(n) 375-394, 1991, ISSN: 0165-0114
  85. Dan Butnariu, Erich Klement, "Triangular norm-based measures and their Markov kernel representation" , in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 162, Seite(n) 111-143, 1991, ISSN: 0022-247X
  86. Erich Klement, "A Radon-Nikodym theorem for fuzzy-valued measures" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 27, Seite(n) 45-51, 1988, ISSN: 0165-0114
  87. Erich Klement, Madan L. Puri, Dan A. Ralescu, "Limit theorems for fuzzy random variables" , in Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Vol. 407, Seite(n) 171-182, 1986, ISSN: 0080-4630
  88. Erich Klement, "Fuzzy measures assuming their values in the set of fuzzy numbers" , in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 93, Seite(n) 312-323, 1983, ISSN: 0022-247X
  89. Erich Klement, Dan A. Ralescu, "Nonlinearity of the fuzzy integral" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 11, Seite(n) 309-315, 1983, ISSN: 0165-0114
  90. Erich Klement, "Characterization of fuzzy measures constructed by means of triangular norms" , in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 86, Seite(n) 345-358, 1982, ISSN: 0022-247X
  91. Erich Klement, "Construction of fuzzy sigma-algebras using triangular norms" , in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 85, Seite(n) 543-565, 1982, ISSN: 0022-247X
  92. Erich Klement, Werner Schwyhla, "Correspondence between fuzzy measures and classical measures" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 7, Seite(n) 57-70, 1982, ISSN: 0165-0114
  93. Erich Klement, "Operations on fuzzy sets - an axiomatic approach" , in Information Sciences, Vol. 27, Seite(n) 221-232, 1982
  94. Erich Klement, "Some remarks on a paper by R. R. Yager." , in Information Sciences, Vol. 27, Seite(n) 211-220, 1982
  95. Erich Klement, Robert Lowen, Werner Schwyhla, "Fuzzy probability measures" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 5, Seite(n) 21-30, 1981, ISSN: 0165-0114
  96. Erich Klement, "Characterization of finite fuzzy measures using Markoff-kernels" , in Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 75, Seite(n) 330-339, 1980, ISSN: 0022-247X
  97. Erich Klement, "Fuzzy sigma-algebras and fuzzy measurable functions" , in Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Vol. 4, Seite(n) 83-93, 1980, ISSN: 0165-0114

Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in sonstiger referierter Fachzeitschrift

  1. Erich Klement, "Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic in Austria" , in Archives for the Philosophy and History of the Soft Computing, Vol. 1/2017, 2017, ISSN: 2341-0183
  2. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, "Universal integrals and modifications of OWA-operators: an axiomatic approach" , in International Journal of Intelligent Technologies and Applied Statistics, Vol. 4, Nummer 4, Seite(n) 489-501, 2011
  3. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "On some geometric transformation of t-norms" , in Mathware and Soft Computing, Vol. 4, Seite(n) 57-67, 1998, ISSN: 1134-5632
  4. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, "Triangular norms" , in Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications, Vol. 13, Seite(n) 169-193, 1997, ISSN: 1210-3195
  5. V. Kreinovich, Erich Klement, "Interval Talks at FUZZ-IEEE '96" , in Reliable Computing, Vol. 2, Seite(n) 394-400, 1996, ISSN: 1573-1340
  6. Erich Klement, "Fuzzy random variables" , in Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Sectio computatorica, Vol. 12, Seite(n) 143-149, 1991
  7. Erich Klement, "Integration of fuzzy-valued functions" , in Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliqués, Vol. 30, Seite(n) 375-384, 1985, ISSN: 2343-774X

Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in nicht-referierter Fachzeitschrift

  1. Plamen Angelov, Nikola Kasabov, Daniel Leite, Mahardhika Pratama, Susanne Saminger-Platz, Erich Klement, "Obituary Edwin Lughofer (1972?2023)" , in Evolving Systems, Vol. 14, Nummer 5, Seite(n) 747-748, 10-2023
  2. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Mirko Navara, "Extension of Boolean functions to T-tribes of fuzzy sets" , in Busefal, Vol. 63, Seite(n) 16-21, 1995,
    E.P. Klement, R. Mesiar, M. Navara. Extension of Boolean functions to T-tribes of fuzzy sets. BUSEFAL 63, pp.16-21,1995.
  3. Erich Klement, "Strong law of large numbers for random variables with values in the fuzzy real line" , in Communications IFSA Mathematics, 1987,
    Erich Peter Klement. Strong law of large numbers for random variables with values in the fuzzy real line. In: Communications IFSA Mathematics Chapter 1, pp. 7-11, 1987.

Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in Tagungsband (referiert)

  1. Erich Klement, Anna Kolesárová, Radko Mesiar, Susanne Saminger-Platz, "Ultramodularity in the construction of binary copulas" , 12th Workshop on Stochastic Models, Statistics and Their Applications, Wroclaw, February 16-20, 2015, 2015
  2. Kurt Pichler, Markus Pichler, Thomas Buchegger, Edwin Lughofer, Erich Klement, Matthias Huschenbett, "On the robustness of fault detection in reciprocating compressor valves" , Proceedings of the IEEE SMC 2014 Conference, San Diego, U.S.A., Seite(n) 2733-2738, 2014
  3. Ciprian Zavoianu, Gerd Bramerdorfer, Edwin Lughofer, Siegfried Silber, Wolfgang Amrhein, Erich Klement, "A Hybrid Soft Computing Approach for Optimizing Design Parameters of Electrical Drives" , Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications, in Snávsel, Václav, Abraham, Ajith and Corchado, Emilio S., Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg, Seite(n) 347-358, 2013, ISBN: 978-3-642-32922-7
  4. Ciprian Zavoianu, Edwin Lughofer, Gerd Bramerdorfer, Wolfgang Amrhein, Erich Klement, "An Effective Ensemble-Based Method for Creating On-the-Fly Surrogate Fitness Functions for Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms" , 15th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2013, IEEE Conference Publishing Services (CPS), Seite(n) to appear, 2013
  5. Kurt Pichler, Edwin Lughofer, Markus Pichler, Thomas Buchegger, Erich Klement, Matthias Huschenbett, "Detecting broken Reciprocating Compressor Valves in the pV-diagram" , Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMAIS 2013), Serie SMASIS, ASME, 9-2013
  6. Kurt Pichler, Edwin Lughofer, Markus Pichler, Thomas Buchegger, Erich Klement, Matthias Huschenbett, "Detecting broken reciprocating compressor valves in pV diagrams of different valve types" , Proceedings of the ASMS 2013 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS), Serie Proceedings of the ASME Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, 2013
  7. Ciprian Zavoianu, Edwin Lughofer, Wolfgang Amrhein, Erich Klement, "Efficient Multi-Objective Optimization using 2-Population Cooperative Coevolution" , Computer Aided Systems Theory - EUROCAST 2013, in Roberto Moreno-Díaz, Franz Pichler, Alexis Quesada-Arencibia, Serie Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 8111, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Seite(n) 251-258, 2013, ISBN: 978-3-642-53855-1
  8. Ciprian Zavoianu, Edwin Lughofer, Werner Koppelstätter, Günther Weidenholzer, Wolfgang Amrhein, Erich Klement, "On the Performance of Master-Slave Parallelization Methods for Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms" , Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, in Laszek Rutkowski and Marcin Korytkowski and Rafal Scherer and Ryszard Tadeusiewicz and Lotfi A. Zadeh and Jacek M. Zurada, Serie Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), Vol. 7895, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Seite(n) 122-134, 6-2013, ISBN: 978-3-642-38609-1
  9. Kurt Pichler, Edwin Lughofer, Thomas Buchegger, Erich Klement, Matthias Huschenbett, "A Visual Method to Detect Broken Reciprocating Compressor Valves Under Varying Load Conditions" , Proceedings of the 13th Mechatronics Forum International Conference, 2012
  10. Kurt Pichler, Edwin Lughofer, Thomas Buchegger, Erich Klement, Matthias Huschenbett, "Detecting Cracks in Reciprocating Compressor Valves using Pattern Recognition in Frequency Space" , Proceedings of the ASME 2012 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems SMASIS2012, ASME, 2012
  11. Wolfgang Heidl, Stefan Thumfart, Christian Eitzinger, Edwin Lughofer, Erich Klement, "Decision Tree-Based Analysis Suggests Structural Gender Differences in Visual Inspection" , Proceedings of the IASTED Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA) Conference 2011, in IASTED, Acta Press, 2-2011
  12. Umut Dogar Cakmak, Zoltan Major, Elisabeth Leiss-Holzinger, Bettina Heise, Jean-Luc Bouchot, Michael Leitner, Erich Klement, David Stifter, "Evaluation of structural change and local strain distribution in polymers comparatively imaged by FFSA ad OCT techniques" , eXPRESS Polymer Letters, Seite(n) 249-256, 2011
  13. Wolfgang Heidl, Stefan Thumfart, Edwin Lughofer, Christian Eitzinger, Erich Klement, "Classifier-Based Analysis of Visual Inspection: Gender Differences in Decision-Making" , Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, SMC 2010, in IEEE, IEEE Press, Seite(n) 113-120, 10-2010
  14. Susanne Saminger, Radko Mesiar, Erich Klement, "A note on ordinal sums of t-norms and t-subnorms on bounded lattices" , Proceedings of 11th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, Paris (France), Seite(n) 664-670, 2006
  15. János Botzheim, Edwin Lughofer, Erich Klement, Laszlo Koczy, Tamás D. Gedeon, "Separated Antecedent and Consequent Learning of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Models" , Proceedings of FUZZ-IEEE 2006, 2006
  16. Susanne Saminger, Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, "A note on ordinal sums of t-norms on bounded lattices" , Proceedings of Joint 4th Int. Conf. in Fuzzy Logic and Technology and 11th French Days on Fuzzy Logic and Applications, Barcelona (Spain), Seite(n) 385-388, 2005
  17. Erich Klement, Edwin Lughofer, "FLEXFIS: A Variant for Incremental Learning of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems" , Proceedings FUZZ-IEEE 2005, 5-2005
  18. Edwin Lughofer, Eyke Hüllermeier, Erich Klement, "Interpretability Improvement of Data-Driven Evolving Fuzzy Systems" , Proceedings EUSFLAT 2005, 9-2005
  19. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Susanne Saminger, "Remarks on residuated lattices." , Proceedings of International Conference “The Logic of Soft Computing IV” and Fourth workshop of the ERCIM working group on soft computing, Ostrava (Czech Republic), Seite(n) 13-18, 2005
  20. Plamen Angelov, Edwin Lughofer, Erich Klement, "Two Approaches to Data-Driven Design of Evolving Fuzzy Systems: eTS and FLEXFIS" , Proceedings NAFIPS 2005, 6-2005
  21. Jose Galindo, Carlos Guardiola, Jose Manuel Lujan, Edwin Lughofer, Erich Klement, "Fault Detection in Engine Measurement Systems by a Model-Based Approach" , Proceedings SAE 2004, 2004
  22. Edwin Lughofer, Carlos Guardiola, Jose Manuel Lujan, Erich Klement, "Model-Based Fault Detection in Multi-Sensor Measurement Systems" , Proceedings IEEE IS 2004, Varna, Bulgaria, 6-2004
  23. Erich Klement, Edwin Lughofer, "Premise Parameter Estimation and Adaptation in Fuzzy Systems with Open-Loop Clustering Methods" , Proceedings FUZZ-IEEE 2004,, 7-2004
  24. Edwin Lughofer, Erich Klement, Luigi del Re, Hajrudin Efendic, "Filtering of Dynamic Measurements in Intelligent Sensors for Fault Detection based on Data-Driven Models" , Proceedings IEEE CDC --- IEEE CDC Conference, Maui, Hawaii, Seite(n) 463-468, 12-2003
  25. Edwin Lughofer, Hajrudin Efendic, Luigi del Re, Erich Klement, "Filtering of Dynamic Measurements in Intelligent Sensors for Fault Detection based on Data-Driven Models" , 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2003
  26. Erich Klement, Edwin Lughofer, "Online Adaptation of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Inference Systems" , Proceedings of CESA'2003---IMACS Multiconference, Seite(n) CD-Rom, paper S1-R-00-0175, 7-2003
  27. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "A geometric approach to aggregation" , Proceedings 2nd Intl. Conf in Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT 2001), 2001,
    E.P. Klement, R. Mesiar, E. Pap. A geometric approach to aggregation. In: Proceedings 2nd Intl. Conf in Fuzzy Logic and Technology (EUSFLAT 2001), Leicester, pp. 466-469. 2001.
  28. Andreas Schrempf, Luigi del Re, Werner Groißböck, Edwin Lughofer, Erich Klement, Günther Frizberg, "Automatic engine modeling for failure detection" , Proceedings 2001 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 2001, ISBN: 0791819426,
    A. Schrempf, L. del Re, W. Groißböck, E. Lughofer, E.P. Klement, G. Frizberg. Automatic engine modeling for failure detection. In: Proceedings 2001 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, New York. CD-Rom (Paper IMECE2001/DSC-24542, 8~Seiten). 2001 (ISBN 0791819426).
  29. Andreas Schrempf, Luigi del Re, Werner Groißböck, Edwin Lughofer, Erich Klement, Günther Frizberg, "Automatic engine modeling for failure detection" , ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Vol. 2, Nummer IMECE 2001/DSC-24542, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), Seite(n) 1-8, 11-2001, ISBN: 0791819426
  30. Ulrich Bodenhofer, Mario Drobics, Erich Klement, Werner Winiwarter, "Data Mining Using Synergies Between Self-Organizing Maps and Inductive Learning of Fuzzy Rules" , Proc. Joint 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS Int. Conf., Seite(n) 1780-1785, 7-2001, ISBN: 0-7803-7079-1
  31. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "On stable 2-copulas" , Proceedings Intl. Conf. Uncertainty Modelling, Bratislava, Slovak, 2001,
    E.P. Klement, R. Mesiar, E. Pap. On stable $2$-copulas. In: M. Komornikova, R. Mesiar, Proceedings Intl. Conf. Uncertainty Modelling, Bratislava, Slovak Technical University, pp. 122-126. 2001.
  32. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "(S,U)-integral" , Proceedings 1999 Eusflat-Estylf Joint Conference, Palma di Mallorca, 1999,
    E.P. Klement, R. Mesiar, E. Pap. (S,U)-integral. In: G. Mayor, J. Suner (Hrsg.). Proceedings 1999 Eusflat-Estylf Joint Conference, Palma di Mallorca, pp. 371-374, 1999.
  33. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "Which triangular norms are convenient for fuzzy controllers?" , Discovering the World with Fuzzy Logic. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, in V. Novak, I. Perfilieva, Physica, Heidelberg, Seite(n) 63-81, 1999, ISBN: 3-7908-1330-3,
    B. Moser, M. Navara. Which triangular norms are convenient for fuzzy controllers? In: Proc. EUSFLAT - ESTYLF Joint Conf. 99. Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma (Mallorca), Spain, pp. 75-78, 1999.
  34. Klaus-Peter Adlassnig, Max Hiesmayr, Erich Klement, Christian Schuh, Ch. Zelenka, "Integration of crisp- and fuzzy controlled weaning in an ICU PDMS" , Proc. ISSCI - 2nd International Symposium on Soft Computing for Industry, 1998,
    Ch. Schuh, M. Hiesmayr, K.-P. Adlassnig, Ch. Zelenka, E. P. Klement, Integration of crisp- and fuzzy controlled weaning in an ICU PDMS. In: Proc. ISSCI - 2nd International Symposium on Soft Computing for Industry, ISSCI-088.1 (CDRom-Version). 1998.
  35. K. Häusler, Erich Klement, G. Zeichen, "New approach for motion coordination of a mobile manipulator using fuzzy behavioral algorithms" , Sensor Fusion and Decentralized Control in Robotic Systems, in P.S. Schenker, G.T. McKee, Vol. 3523, SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Bellingham, Seite(n) 202-210, 1998, ISBN: 0-8194-2984-8,
    K. Häusler, E.P. Klement, G. Zeichen. New approach for motion coordination of a mobile manipulator using fuzzy behavioral algorithms. In: P.S. Schenker, G.T. McKee (Hrsg.). Sensor Fusion and Decentralized Control in Robotic Systems, SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering. Bellingham, Vol. 3523, pp. 202-210, 1988. Systems and Advanced Manufacturing, Boston, 1998.(ISBN 0-8194-2984-8)
  36. Elena Tsiporkova, Erich Klement, Bernhard Moser, "On a Class of Idempotent Aggregation Operators" , Proceedings IPMU '98 - Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems., Vol. 1, Editions EDK, Paris, Seite(n) 837-844, 1998, ISBN: 2-84254-013-1
  37. Dan Butnariu, Erich Klement, Mirko Navara, "All strict triangular norms are "equally strong"" , Proceedings FUZZY '97 - International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Applications, Zichron-Ya'akov. Tel Aviv University, Seite(n) 116-124, 1997,
    D. Butnariu, E.P. Klement, M. Navara. All strict triangular norms are "equally strong". In: Proceedings FUZZY '97 - International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Applications, Zichron-Ya'akov. Tel Aviv University, pp. 116-124, 1997.
  38. Ulrich Bodenhofer, Erich Klement, "Pixel Classification: A Fuzzy-Genetic Approach" , Proc. IFSA'97, Vol. 4, 6-1997, ISBN: 80-200-0633-8,
    U. Bodenhofer, E.P. Klement. Pixel Classification: A Fuzzy-Genetic Approach. Proc. IFSA'97, Vol. IV, pp. 38-43, Prague, June 1997
  39. Peter Bauer, Ulrich Bodenhofer, Erich Klement, "A Fuzzy Algorithm for Pixel Classification based on the Discrepancy Norm" , Proc. FUZZ-IEEE'96, Vol. 3, 9-1996, ISBN: 0-7803-3645-3,
    P. Bauer, U. Bodenhofer, E.P. Klement. A Fuzzy Algorithm for Pixel Classification based on the Discrepancy Norm. Proc. FUZZ-IEEE'96, Vol. III, pp. 2007-2012, New Orleans, September 1996.
  40. Peter Bauer, Ulrich Bodenhofer, Erich Klement, "A Fuzzy Method for Image Pixel Classification and its Application to Print Inspection" , Proc. IPMU'96, Vol. 3, 7-1996, ISBN: 84-8254-076-9,
    P. Bauer, U. Bodenhofer, E.P. Klement. A Fuzzy Method for Image Pixel Classification and its Application to Print Inspection. Proc. IPMU'96 Vol. III, pp. 1301-1305, Granada, July 1996.
  41. Peter Bauer, Ulrich Bodenhofer, Erich Klement, "A Fuzzy System for Image Pixel Classification and its Genetic Optimization" , Cybernetics and Systems '96. Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, 4-1996, ISBN: 3-85206-133-4,
    P. Bauer, U. Bodenhofer, E.P. Klement. A Fuzzy System for Image Pixel Classification and its Genetic Optimization. R. Trappl (ed.). Cybernetics and Systems '96. Austrian Society for Cybernetic Studies, Vienna, Vol I, pp. 285-290, April 1996.
  42. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "Additive generators of t-norms which are not necessarily continuous" , Proceedings EUFIT '96. Fourth European Congress on Intelligent Technologies and Soft Computing, 1996,
    Erich Peter Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap. Additive generators of t-norms which are not necessarily continuous. In: Proceedings EUFIT '96. Fourth European Congress on Intelligent Technologies and Soft Computing, Aachen. Verlag Mainz, Aachen, Vol. 1, pp. 70-73, 1996. (ISBN 3-89653-187-5)
  43. Christian Schuh, Max Hiesmayr, Thomas Ehrngruber, Elfriede Katz, T. Neugebauer, Klaus-Peter Adlassnig, Erich Klement, "Fuzzy knowledge-based weaning from artificial ventilation (Fuzzy-KBWean)" , Soft Computing with Industrial Applications. Recent Trends in Research and Developement. Proceedings of the World Automation Congress (WAC `96), Montpellier, in M. Jamshidi, M. Fathi, F. Pierrot, TSI Press, Montpellier, Seite(n) 583-588, 1996,
    Ch.Schuh, M. Hiesmayr, T. Ehrngruber, E. Katz, T. Neugebauer, K.-P. Adlassnig, E.P. Klement. Fuzzy knowledge-based weaning from artificial ventilation (Fuzzy-KBWean). In: M. Jamshidi, M. Fathi, F. Pierrot (Hrsg.). Soft Computing with Industrial Applications. Recent Trends in Research and Developement. Proceedings of the World Automation Congress (WAC `96), Montpellier. TSI Press, Albuquerque, Vol. 5, pp. 583-588, 1996.
  44. Erich Klement, Laszlo Koczy, Bernhard Moser, "Approximation and fuzzy control" , Proceedings Sixth IFSA World Congress '95, Sao Paulo, Vol. I, Seite(n) 625-628, 2-1995,
    E.P. Klement, L.T. Koczy, B. Moser. Approximation and fuzzy control. In: Proceedings Sixth IFSA World Congress '95, Sao Paulo, Vol. I, pp. 625-628, 1995.
  45. Peter Bauer, Erich Klement, Albert Leikermoser, Bernhard Moser, "Konstruktive Methoden zur Approximation reeller Funktionen durchregelbasierte Systeme" , Tagungsband Fuzzy Systeme '94. Klassifikation, Entscheidungssupport & Control, München, Deutsche Informatik-Akademie, Bonn, 1994,
    P. Bauer, E.P. Klement, A. Leikermoser, B. Moser. Konstruktive Methoden zur Approximation reeller Funktionen durch regelbasierte Systeme. In: Tagungsband Fuzzy Systeme '94. Klassifikation, Entscheidungssupport & Control, München. Deutsche Informatik-Akademie, Bonn, 1994.
  46. Albert Leikermoser, Bernhard Moser, Erich Klement, Peter Bauer, "Approximation of Real Functions With Rulebases" , Proceedings of the Fifth IFSA World Congress '93 Seoul, Seite(n) 239-241, 1993, ISBN: 89-8549-501-1
  47. Peter Bauer, Erich Klement, Albert Leikermoser, Bernhard Moser, "Approximation reeller Funktionen durch Regelbasen" , Tagungsband Fuzzy Systeme '93. Management unsicherer Informationen, Braunschweig, Seite(n) 148-155, 1993,
    P. Bauer, E.P. Klement, A. Leikermoser, B. Moser. Approximation reeller Funktionen durch Regelbasen. In: Tagungsband Fuzzy Systeme '93. Management unsicherer Informationen, Braunschweig, pp. 148-155, 1993.
  48. Erich Klement, Siegfried Weber, "A survey on generalized measures" , Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, San Diego, 1992,
    E.P. Klement, S. Weber. A survey on generalized measures. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, San Diego, pp.873-880, 1992. (ISBN 0-7803-0236-2)
  49. Peter Bauer, Erich Klement, "Basic Tools for Fuzzy Control: Triangular Norms and Conorms" , Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks '92, Vol. 2, 1992,
    Erich Peter Klement, Peter Bauer. Basic Tools for Fuzzy Control: Triangular Norms and Conorms. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks '92, Vol 2, pp. 567-569. Fuzzy Logic Systems Institute (FLSI), Iizuka, 1992. (ISBN 4-938717-01-8)
  50. Peter Bauer, Erich Klement, "Triangular norms and conorms" , Proceedings International Symposium on Fuzzy Systems. As a Part of International Symposium on Information Sciences (ISKIT '92), Iizuka, 1992,
    E.P. Klement, P. Bauer. Triangular norms and conorms. In: Proceedings International Symposium on Fuzzy Systems. As a Part of International Symposium on Information Sciences (ISKIT '92), Iizuka, pp. 1-4, 1992.
  51. Erich Klement, "Markov-kernel representation of decomposable measures" , The Coming of Age of Fuzzy Logic. Proceedings of the Third IFSA Congress, Seattle, in J.C. Bezdek, Seite(n) 79a, 1989,
    E.P. Klement. Markov-kernel representation of decomposable measures.In: J.C. Bezdek (Hrsg.). The Coming of Age of Fuzzy Logic. Proceedings of the Third IFSA Congress, Seattle, p. 79a, 1989.
  52. Erich Klement, "Integral representations of decomposable measures" , Preprints Second IFSA Congress, Tokyo, Vol. 1, Seite(n) 396-399, 1987,
    E.P. Klement. Integral representations of decomposable measures. In: Preprints Second IFSA Congress, Tokyo, Vol. 1, pp. 396-399, 1987.
  53. Erich Klement, Madan L. Puri, Dan A. Ralescu, "On a strong law of large numbers for fuzzy random variables" , Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Bombay, Seite(n) 510-512, 1984,
    E.P. Klement, M.L. Puri, D.A. Ralescu. On a strong law of large numbers for fuzzy random variables. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Bombay, pp. 510-512, 1984.
  54. Erich Klement, "Extension of fuzzy measures" , Proceedings of the Conference on Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Topology, Youngstown, in S. E. Rodabaugh, Seite(n) 1-15, 2-1983,
    E.P. Klement. Extension of fuzzy measures. In: S.E. Rodabaugh (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the Conference on Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Topology, Youngstown, pp.1-15, 1983.
  55. Erich Klement, "Fuzzy probabilities" , Proceedings of the Second World Conference on Mathematics at the Service of Man, Las Palmas, in A. Ballester, D. Cardus, E. Trillas, Seite(n) 400-405, 1982,
    E.P. Klement. Fuzzy probabilities. In: A. Ballester, D. Cardus, E. Trillas (Hrsg.). Proceedings of the Second World Conference on Mathematics at the Service of Man, Las Palmas, pp. 400-405, 1982.
  56. Erich Klement, "Fuzzy sets: De Morgan spaces and sigma-algebras" , Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, 1982,
    Erich Peter Klement. Fuzzy sets: De Morgan spaces and sigma-algebras. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Paris IEEE, New York, pp. 272-274, 1982. (ISSN 0195-623X)
  57. Erich Klement, "An axiomatic theory of operations on fuzzy sets" , Proceedings of the International Conference on Policy Analysis and Information Systems, Taipei, Seite(n) 733-739, 1981,
    E.P. Klement. An axiomatic theory of operations on fuzzy sets. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Policy Analysis and Information Systems, Taipei, pp.733-739, 1981.
  58. Erich Klement, "Operations on fuzzy sets and fuzzy numbers related to triangular norms" , Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, 1981,
    Erich Peter Klement. Operations on fuzzy sets and fuzzy numbers related to triangular norms. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Norman IEEE, New York, pp. 218-225, 1981. (ISSN 0195-623X)

Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in Tagungsband (nicht-referiert)

  1. Susanne Saminger-Platz, Anna Kolesárová, Radko Mesiar, Erich Klement, "Convexity conditions for the characterization of some copula constructions" , Proceedings of the 37th Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory, Linz (Austria), Seite(n) 86-88, 2-2019

Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in Sammelwerk (referiert)

  1. Erich Klement, Anna Kolesárová, Radko Mesiar, Susanne Saminger-Platz, "Copula constructions using ultramodularity" , Copulas and Dependence Models with Applications, Springer, Cham, Seite(n) 135-156, 2017, ISBN: 978-3-319-64220-8
  2. Erich Klement, Peter Bauer, Ulrich Bodenhofer, Markus Mittendorfer-Holzer, Robert Pollak, Roland Richter, Herbert Exner, "PapaGeno ? vollautomatische menschenähnliche Qualitätskontrolle für Aufdrucke auf Compact Discs" , 50 Jahre Johannes Kepler Universität Linz. Innovationsfelder in Forschung, Lehre und universitärem Alltag, in Maria Wirth, Andreas Reichl, Marcus Gräser, Böhlau, Wien, Seite(n) 265?282, 6-2017, ISBN: 978-3-205-20415-2
  3. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, "Monotone measures-based integrals" , Springer Handbook of Computational Intelligence, in Janusz Kacprzyk, Witold Pedrycz, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, Seite(n) 75-88, 2015, ISBN: 978-3-662-43504-5
  4. Edwin Lughofer, Vicente Macian, Carlos Guardiola, Erich Klement, "Data-Driven Design of Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems for Predicting NOx Emissions" , Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems. Applications, in Hüllermeier, Kruse, Hoffmann, Serie Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol. 81, Nummer 1, Springer Verlag, Seite(n) 1-10, 7-2010
  5. Erich Klement, Edwin Lughofer, J. Himmelbauer, Bernhard Moser, "Data-Driven and Knowledge-Based Modelling" , Hagenberg Research, in B. Buchberger et al., Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, Seite(n) 237-279, 2009
  6. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Andrea Mesiarová-Zemánková, Susanne Saminger-Platz, "Logical connectives for granular computing" , Handbook of Granular Computing, in W. Pedrycz, A. Skowron, V. Kreinovich, John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, England, Seite(n) 205-224, 2008, ISBN: 978-0-470-03554-2
  7. Susanne Saminger, Ulrich Bodenhofer, Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, "Aggregation of fuzzy relations and preservation of transitivity" , Theory and Applications of Relational Structures as Knowledge Instruments II, in H. C. M. de Swart, E. Orlowska, M. Roubens, G. Schmidt, Serie Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Nummer 4342, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, Seite(n) 185-206, 2006
  8. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "Semigroups and triangular norms" , Logical, Algebraic, Analytic, and Probabilistic Aspects of Triangular Norms, in E. P. Klement, R. Mesiar, Elsevier, Amsterdam-Boston-Heidelberg-London-New York-Oxford-Paris-San Diego-San Francisco-Sydney-Tokyo, Seite(n) 63-93, 2005, ISBN: 0-444-51814-2
  9. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "Triangular Norms: Basic notions and properties" , Logical, Algebraic, Analytic, and Probabilistic Aspects of Triangular Norms, in E. P. Klement, R. Mesiar, Elsevier, Amsterdam-Boston-Heidelberg-London-New York-Oxford-Paris-San Diego-San Francisco-Sydney-Tokyo, Seite(n) 17-60, 2005, ISBN: 0-444-51814-2
  10. Erich Klement, Anna Kolesárová, "1-Lipschitz aggregation operators, quasi-copulas and copulas with given diagonals" , Soft Methodology and Random Information Systems, in M. Lopéz-Díaz, M. Á. Gil, P. Grzegorzzewski, O. Hryniewicz, J. Lawry, Serie Advances in Soft Computing, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, Seite(n) 205-211, 2004, ISBN: 3-540-22264-2
  11. Werner Groißböck, Edwin Lughofer, Erich Klement, "A comparison of variable selection methods with the main focus on orthogonalization" , Soft Methodology and Random Information Systems, in M. Lopéz-Díaz, M. Á. Gil, P. Grzegorzzewski, O. Hryniewicz, J. Lawry, Serie Advances in Soft Computing, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, Seite(n) 479-486, 2004, ISBN: 3-540-22264-2
  12. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "Transformations of copulas and quasi-copulas" , Soft Methodology and Random Information Systems, in M. Lopéz-Díaz, M. Á. Gil, P. Grzegorzzewski, O. Hryniewicz, J. Lawry, Serie Advances in Soft Computing, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, Seite(n) 181-188, 2004, ISBN: 3-540-22264-2
  13. Dan Butnariu, Erich Klement, "Triangular norm-based measures" , Handbook of Measure Theory, Kapitel 23, Elsevier, Amsterdam, Seite(n) 947-1010, 2002, ISBN: 0-444-50263-7,
    Dan Butnariu, Erich Peter Klement. "Triangular norm-based measures". In: Endre Pap (Hrsg.), "Handbook of Measure Theory", Kapitel 23, Seite(n) 947-1010, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2002, ISBN: 0-444-50263-7
  14. Ulrich Bodenhofer, Erich Klement, "Genetic Optimization of Fuzzy Classification Systems - A Case Study" , Computational Intelligence in Theory and Practice, 1-2001, ISBN: 3-7908-1357-5,
    U. Bodenhofer, E.P. Klement. Genetic Optimization of Fuzzy Classification Systems - A Case Study. In B. Reusch, K.-H. Temme (eds.). Computational Intelligence in Theory and Practice. Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2001. pp. 183-200. ISBN 3-7908-1357-5
  15. Dan Butnariu, Erich Klement, "Triangular norm-based measures: Properties and integral representation" , Fuzzy Measures and Integrals. Theory and Applications. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, 2000, ISBN: 3-7908-1258-7,
    D. Butnariu, E.P. Klement. Triangular norm-based measures: Properties and integral representation. In: M. Grabisch, T. Murofushi, M. Sugeno (Hrsg.). Fuzzy Measures and Integrals. Theory and Applications. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Vol. 40. Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 233-246, 2000.(ISBN 3-7908-1258-7)
  16. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "Triangular norms - Basic properties and representation theorems" , Discovering the World with Fuzzy Logic. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, in V. Novak, I. Perfilieva, Physica, Heidelberg, Seite(n) 63-81, 2000, ISBN: 3-7908-1330-3,
    E.P. Klement, R. Mesiar, E. Pap, Triangular norms - Basic properties and representation theorems. In: V. Novak, I. Perfilieva (Hrsg.). Discovering the World with Fuzzy Logic. Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg/New York, pp. 63-81, 2000. (ISBN 3-7908-1330-3)
  17. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "Bausteine der Fuzzy Logic: t-Normen - Eigenschaften und Darstellungsätze" , Fuzzy Theorie und Stochastik. Modell und Anwendungen in der Diskussion, 1999, ISBN: 0-7923-8388-5,
    E.P. Klement, R. Mesiar, E. Pap. Bausteine der Fuzzy Logic: t-Normen - Eigenschaften und Darstellungsätze. In: R. Seising (Hrsg.). Fuzzy Theorie und Stochastik. Modell und Anwendungen in der Diskussion. Vieweg, Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, pp. 205-225, 1999. (ISBN 0-7923-8388-5)
  18. Erich Klement, Siegfried Weber, "Fundamentals of a generalized measure theory" , Mathematics of Fuzzy Sets. Logic, Topology and Measure Theory, in U. Höhle, S.E. Rodabaugh, Seite(n) 633-651, 1999, ISBN: 0-7923-8388-5,
    E.P. Klement, S. Weber. Fundamentals of a generalized measure theory. In: U. Höhle, S.E. Rodabaugh (Hrsg.). Mathematics of Fuzzy Sets. Logic, Topology and Measure Theory. Kluwer, Boston/Dordrecht/London, pp. 633-651, 1999. (ISBN 0-7923-8388-5)
  19. Erich Klement, Mirko Navara, "Propositional fuzzy logics based on Frank t-norms: A comparison" , Fuzzy Sets, Logics and Reasoning about Knowledge. Applied Logic Series, Kluwer, Dordrecht/Boston/London, Seite(n) 17-38, 1999, ISBN: 0-7923-5977-1,
    E.P. Klement, M. Navara. Propositional fuzzy logics based on Frank t-norms: A comparison. In: D. Dubois, E.P. Klement, H. Prade (Hrsg.). Fuzzy Sets, Logics and Reasoning about Knowledge. Applied Logic Series. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, pp. 17-38, 1999 (ISBN 0-7923-5977-1).
  20. Erich Klement, "Fuzzy Logic im Kontext der mehrwertigen Logik" , Fuzzy-Neuro-Systeme '97 - Computational Intelligence, Infix, St. Augustin, in A. Grauel, W. Becker, F. Belli, Seite(n) 34-43, 1997, ISBN: 3-89601-003-4,
    E.P. Klement. Fuzzy Logic im Kontext der mehrwertigen Logik. In: A. Grauel, W. Becker, F. Belli (Hrsg.). Fuzzy-Neuro-Systeme '97 - Computational Intelligence, Infix, St. Augustin, pp. 34-43, 1997. (ISBN 3-89601-003-4)
  21. Frank Klawonn, Erich Klement, "Mathematical analysis of fuzzy classifiers" , Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis. Reasoning about Data. Second International Symposium, IDA-97, London, UK, August 1997, in X. Liu, P. Cohen, M. Berthold, Serie Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS), Vol. 1280, Springer, Ber, Seite(n) 359-370, 2-1997, ISBN: 3-540-63346-4,
    F. Klawonn, E.P. Klement. Mathematical analysis of fuzzy classifiers. In: X. Liu, P. Cohen, M. Berthold (Hrsg.). Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis. Reasoning about Data. Second International Symposium, IDA-97, London, UK, August 1997. Proceedings,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1280. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 359-370, 1997.
  22. Peter Bauer, Erich Klement, "A self-tuning fuzzy system for smooth curve fitting" , Methodologies for the Conception, Design and Application of Intelligent Systems, 1996, ISBN: 981-02-2845-7,
    Peter Bauer, Erich Peter Klement. A self-tuning fuzzy system for smooth curve fitting. In: T. Yamakawa, G. Matsumoto (eds.). Methodologies for the Conception, Design and Application of Intelligent Systems. World Scientific, Singapore/New Jersey/London/Hong Kong/Bangalore/Taipei, Vol. 1, pp. 452-455, 1996. (ISBN 981-02-2845-7)
  23. Peter Bauer, Erich Klement, Bernhard Moser, Albert Leikermoser, "Modeling of Control Functions by Fuzzy Controllers" , Theoretical Aspects of Fuzzy Control, 1995,
    Peter Bauer, Erich Peter Klement, Albert Leikermoser, Bernhard Moser. Modeling of Control Functions by Fuzzy Controllers. In: Chapter 5 of H.T. Nguyen, M. Sugeno, R. Tong, R.R. Yager (eds.). Theoretical Aspects of Fuzzy Control. John Wiley & Sons, New York, pp. 91-116, 1995. (ISBN 0-471-02079-6)
  24. Peter Bauer, Erich Klement, Albert Leikermoser, Bernhard Moser, "Interpolation and approximation of real input-output functions using fuzzy rule bases" , Fuzzy Systems in Computer Science, 1994,
    Peter Bauer, Erich Peter Klement, Albert Leikermoser, Bernhard Moser. Interpolation and approximation of real input-output functions using fuzzy rule bases. In: R. Kruse, J. Gebhardt, R. Palm (eds.). Fuzzy Systems in Computer Science. Vieweg, Braunschweig, pp. 245-254, 1994.
  25. Erich Klement, "Approximatives Schließen: Verarbeitung unscharfer Information." , Informationswirtschaft. Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Perspektiven, 1993,
    Erich Peter Klement. Approximatives Schließen: Verarbeitung unscharfer Information. In: W. Frisch, A. Taudes (eds.). Informationswirtschaft. Aktuelle Entwicklungen und Perspektiven. Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 127-133, 1993.
  26. Dan Butnariu, Erich Klement, "Triangular norms and some applications to measures and games" , Fuzzy Approach to Reasoning and Decision Making, 1992, ISBN: 80-200-0450-5,
    Dan Butnariu, Erich Peter Klement. Triangular norms and some applications to measures and games. In: V. Novak, J. Rammk, M. Mares, M. Cern, J. Nekola (eds.). Fuzzy Approach to Reasoning and Decision Making. Academia, Prag & Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 89-105, 1992. (ISBN 80-200-0450-5 Academia; ISBN 0-7923-1358-5 Kluwer)
  27. Erich Klement, Madan L. Puri, Dan A. Ralescu, "Law of large numbers and central limit theorem for fuzzy random variables" , Cybernetics and Systems Research, 1984, ISBN: 0-444-86989-4,
    Erich Peter Klement, Madan L. Puri, Dan A. Ralescu. Law of large numbers and central limit theorem for fuzzy random variables. In: R. Trappl (ed.). Cybernetics and Systems Research 2 North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 525-529, 1984. (ISBN 0-444-86898-4)
  28. Ulrich Höhle, Erich Klement, "Plausibility measures - a general framework for possibility and fuzzy probability measures" , Aspects of Vagueness, 1983, ISBN: 90-227-1692-7,
    Ulrich Höhle, Erich Peter Klement. Plausibility measures - a general framework for possibility and fuzzy probability measures. In: H. J. Skala, S. Termini, E. Trillas (eds.). Aspects of Vagueness. Reidel, Dordrecht, pp. 31-50, 1983. (ISBN 90-227-1692-7)
  29. Erich Klement, "A theory of fuzzy measures. A survey" , Fuzzy Information and Decision Processes, 1982, ISBN: 0-444-86491-1,
    Erich Peter Klement. A theory of fuzzy measures. A survey. In: M. M. Gupta, E. Sanchez (eds.). Fuzzy Information and Decision Processes. North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 59-66, 1982. (ISBN 0-444-86491-1)
  30. Erich Klement, "On the cardinality of fuzzy sets" , Cybernetics and Systems Research, 1982,
    Erich Peter Klement. On the cardinality of fuzzy sets. In: R. Trappl (ed.). Cybernetics and Systems Research North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 701-704, 1982.
  31. Erich Klement, "On the relationship between different notions of fuzzy measures" , Fuzzy Set and Possibility Theory. Recent Developments, 1982, ISBN: 0-08-026294-5,
    Erich Peter Klement. On the relationship between different notions of fuzzy measures. In: R. R. Yager (ed.). Fuzzy Set and Possibility Theory. Recent Developments. Pergamon Press, Elmsford, pp. 389-394, 1982. (ISBN 0-08-026294-5)
  32. Erich Klement, "Some relations between integration on fuzzy sets and fuzzy measures" , Progress in Cybernetics and Systems Research, 1982, ISBN: 0-90116-237-2,
    Erich Peter Klement. Some relations between integration on fuzzy sets and fuzzy measures. In: R. Trappl, G. J. Klir, F. R. Pichler (eds.). Progress in Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vol. VIII. Hemisphere Publ. Corp., Washington, pp. 459-461, 1982. (ISBN 0-89116-237-2)
  33. Erich Klement, "Characterizations of fuzzy measures by classical measures" , Fuzzy Sets. Theory and Applications to Policy Analysis and Information Systems, 1980, ISBN: 0-306-40557-1,
    Erich Peter Klement. Characterizations of fuzzy measures by classical measures. In: P. P. Wang, S. K. Chang (eds.). Fuzzy Sets. Theory and Applications to Policy Analysis and Information Systems. Plenum Press, New York, pp. 25-34, 1980. (ISBN 0-306-40557-1)

Publikationstyp: Aufsatz / Paper in Sammelwerk (nicht-referiert)

  1. Ciprian Zavoianu, Edwin Lughofer, Gerd Bramerdorfer, Wolfgang Amrhein, Erich Klement, "DECMO2:arobust hybrid and adaptive multi-objective evolutionary algorithm" , Soft Computing-A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications, 2014
  2. Peter Bauer, Albert Leikermoser, Bernhard Moser, Erich Klement, "Modeling of Control Functions by Fuzzy Controllers" , Theoretical Aspects of Fuzzy Control, in H. T. Nguyen and M. Sugeno and R. M. Tong and R. R. Yager, John Wiley & Sons, New York, Seite(n) 91-116, 1995

Publikationstyp: Beitrag in Enzyklopädie/Lexikon

  1. Erich Klement, Wolfgang Slany, "Fuzzy logic in artificial intelligence" , Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, 1996, ISBN: 0-8247-2287-6,
    Erich Peter Klement, Wolfgang Slany. Fuzzy logic in artificial intelligence. In: A. Kent, J. G. Williams (eds.). Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 34, Suppl. 19. Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 179-190, 1996.
  2. Erich Klement, "Fuzzy measures. Classical approach." , Systems and Control Encyclopedia. Theory, Technology, Applications, 1987,
    Erich Peter Klement. Fuzzy measures. Classical approach. In: M. G. Singh (ed.). Systems & Control Encyclopedia. Theory, Technology, Applications. Vol. 3. Pergamon Press, Oxford, pp. 1819-1821, 1987.

Publikationstyp: Monographie (Erstauflage)

  1. Bruno Buchberger, Michael Affenzeller, Alois Ferscha, Michael Haller, Tudor Jebelean, Erich Klement, Peter Paule, Gustav Pomberger, Wolfgang Schreiner, Robert Stubenrauch, Roland Wagner, Gerhard Weiss, Wolfgang Windsteiger, "Hagenberg Research" , Auflage 1, Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, Springer Dordrecht Heidelberg London New York, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-642-02126-8
  2. Bruno Buchberger, Michael Affenzeller, Alois Ferscha, Michael Haller, Tudor Jebelean, Erich Klement, Peter Paule, Gustav Pomberger, Wolfgang Schreiner, Robert Stubenrauch, Roland Wagner, G. Weiß, Wolfgang Windsteiger, "Hagenberg Research" , Springer, Berlin, 2009, ISBN: 3642021263
  3. Erich Klement, Radko Mesiar, Endre Pap, "Triangular Norms" , Serie Trends in Logic, Studia Logica, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 2000, ISBN: 0-7923-1511-1
  4. Dan Butnariu, Erich Klement, "Triangular Norm-Based Measures and Games with Fuzzy Coalitions" , Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1993, ISBN: 0-7923-2369-6

Publikationstyp: Lehrbuch (Erstauflage)

  1. Erich Klement, "Elementare Topologie mit Anwendungen" , Serie Schriftenreihe für Mathematik, Vol. 4, Universitätsverlag Rudolf Trauner, Linz, 1982, ISBN: 3-85320-275-6

Publikationstyp: Tagungsband Herausgeberschaft (Erstauflage)

  1. Zoltan Major, Erich Klement, Matei Constantin Miron, Veronika Miron, "10th International Symposium on Impact Engineering 2019 ? ISIE 2019" , Trauner Verlag + Buchservice GmbH, Linz, 2019, ISBN: 978-3-99062-576-7
  2. Hrg. Siegfried Gottwald, Hrg. Petr Hájek, Hrg. Ulrich Höhle, Hrg. Erich Klement, "Fuzzy Logics and Related Structures" , 2005
  3. Hrg. Erich Klement, Hrg. Endre Pap, "Mathematics of Fuzzy Systems" , 2004
  4. Hrg. Erich Klement, Hrg. Radko Mesiar, "Triangular Norms and Related Operators in Many-Valued Logics" , 2003
  5. Hrg. Phil Diamond, Hrg. Erich Klement, "Analytical Methods and Fuzzy Sets" , 2002
  6. Hrg. Erich Klement, Hrg. Marc Roubens, "Valued Relations and Capacities in Decision Theory" , 2001

Publikationstyp: Wissenschaftliche Fachzeitschrift (Mitherausgeberschaft)

  1. Hrg. Erich Klement, "International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems" , World Scientific, Singapore, 1993, ISSN: 0218-4885
  2. Hrg. Erich Klement, "Fuzzy Sets and Systems" , North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1978, ISSN: 0165-0114

Publikationstyp: Wissenschaftliches Sammelwerk Mitherausgeberschaft (Erstauflage)

  1. Hrg. Bruno Buchberger, Hrg. Michael Affenzeller, Hrg. Alois Ferscha, Hrg. Michael Haller, Hrg. Tudor Jebelean, Hrg. Erich Klement, Hrg. Peter Paule, Hrg. Gustav Pomberger, Hrg. Wolfgang Schreiner, Hrg. Robert Stubenrauch, Hrg. Roland Wagner, Hrg. Gerhard Weiss, Hrg. Wolfgang Windsteiger, "Hagenberg Research" , Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2009, ISBN: 978-3-642-02126-8
  2. Hrg. Erich Klement, Hrg. Radko Mesiar, "Logical, Algebraic, Analytic, and Probabilistic Aspects of Triangular Norms" , Elsevier, Amsterdam-Boston-Heidelberg-London-New York-Oxford-Paris-San Diego-San Francisco-Sydney-Tokyo, 3-2005, ISBN: 0-444-51814-2
  3. Hrg. Stephen E. Rodabaugh, Hrg. Erich Klement, "Topological and Algebraic Structures in Fuzzy Sets: Recent Developments in the Mathematics of Fuzzy Sets" , Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2003, ISBN: 1-4020-1515-1
  4. Hrg. Didier Dubois, Hrg. Erich Klement, Hrg. Henri Prade, "Fuzzy Sets, Logics and Reasoning about Knowledge" , Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1999, ISBN: 0-7923-5977-1
  5. Hrg. Ulrich Höhle, Hrg. Erich Klement, "Non-Classical Logics and Their Applications to Fuzzy Subsets." , Kluwer Academic, Publishers, Dordrecht/Bostob/London, 1995, ISBN: 0-7923-3194-X
  6. Hrg. Erich Klement, Hrg. Wolfgang Slany, "Fuzzy Logic in Artificial Intelligence" , Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York/Hong Kong/Barcelona/Budapest, 1993, ISBN: 3-540-56920-0
  7. Hrg. Stephen E. Rodabaugh, Hrg. Erich Klement, Hrg. Ulrich Höhle, "Applications of Category Theory to Fuzzy Subsets" , Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht/Boston/London, 1992, ISBN: 0-7923-1511-1

Publikationstyp: Forschungsbericht: geförderte Forschung (Bund/Land/Gemeinden)

  1. Erich Klement, Peter Bauer, "Fuzzy Logic - Grundlagen. Studie für das Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung" , 1992,
    E.P. Klement, P. Bauer. Fuzzy Logic - Grundlagen. Studie für das Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung. Wien, 1992.

Publikationstyp: Forschungsbericht: geförderte Forschung (EU)

  1. Erich Klement, Edwin Lughofer, "Model-Based Fault Detection in Multi-Sensor Measurement Systems" , FLLL-TR-0303, Fuzzy Logic Laboratorium Linz, A-4232 Hagenberg, 7-2003
  2. Erich Klement, Edwin Lughofer, "Premise Parameter Estimation and Adaptation in Fuzzy Systems with Open-Loop Clustering Methods" , FLLL-TR-0302, Fuzzy Logic Laboratorium Linz, A-4232 Hagenberg, 6-2003

Publikationstyp: Forschungsbericht: geförderte Forschung (sonstige überwieg. aus öff. Hand)

  1. Erich Klement, "Masstheoretische Aspekte der Fuzzy Sets" , 2-1982,
    E.P. Klement. Masstheoretische Aspekte der Fuzzy Sets. Abschlussbericht des Forschungsprojekts Nr. 1665 des Jubiläumsfonds der Österreichischen Nationalbank, Linz, 1982.

Publikationstyp: Sonstige

  1. Sepp Dieter Kohlwein, Heimo Wolinski, Erich Klement, Bettina Heise, "Quantitative microscopy of yeast subcellular structures" , 2006